ESS administrators can use this screen to view/edit employee retirement benefit elections (i.e., deductions with 401(K), 403(B), 408(K), 457, or 501(C) percentages or amounts) before uploading them to Costpoint Payroll. The system performs validations on the percentages and amounts when saving changes to ensure that they do not exceed the maximum amounts established in the ESS Company Settings screen. The system will validate the deduction percentages to ensure that they are between the Minimum Percent and Maximum Percent established in the ESS Company Settings screen. 

Review the data in this screen before uploading retirement benefit elections.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ID of the employee whose ESS retirement benefit elections you would like to view/change. You must first run the Populate Open Enrollment Benefits Option/Election Tables application for the employee before you can enter a new record, and the employee must have already completed his elections in ESS before you can edit them. The employee name displays in the field to the right.

Table Window


After selecting the New Line button on the toolbar, enter, or use Lookup to select, the code for the deduction. This field is required. When you tab out of this field, the defaults from the Deductions screen in Costpoint Payroll populate the line. You can edit any of these fields except the Description field. Entries made on this line override the defaults in the Deductions table.

Note: Deleting a bond deduction will make the employee's Bond table inactive when the Update Employee Bond table is processed.


The description of the related deduction code is displayed. This description defaults from the Deductions table and cannot be changed here.


To change the default method, enter one of the following methods to use for this deduction. This field is required.


Enter the desired deduction percentage, using up to four decimal places, or the deduction amount, depending on the Method selected. This is a required field.

Start Date

Enter a date for the deduction to start. This is normally the pay period start date. If the start date is later than the pay period end date, the deduction will start in the following pay period. Leave this field blank to indicate that the deduction should start immediately.

End Date

Enter a date through which the deduction should be used. This is normally the pay period end date. Leave this field blank to indicate that this deduction should continue indefinitely.