When integrating Costpoint and Cobra, you can define a single extraction or set of parameters on how the integration will occur, or you can create multiple extractions each with a different set of parameters. For example, if you have some projects that load actual costs into weekly, while others are reported on only on a monthly basis you would need two different extraction definitions. Other instances may require you to create a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file to provide actual costs to a prime contractor. In this scenario, you will create two extraction parameters for the same project. One will load directly into Cobra and the other will create a CSV file for delivery.
You can create multiple extraction parameter screens by saving each screen and assigning a parameter ID and name. Each parameter can have a unique charge template, BE template, and cost template, etc. This flexibility will allow you to create very specific rules for processing a given group of projects. You can define the settings for the Costpoint projects and Cobra programs that are processed with each parameter.
You can elect to process only valid transactions during the extraction process. This means that all the records that do not contain errors will be loaded into Cobra and the records containing errors are sent to the error file. You can then correct the errors in the data existing in the error file and reprocess the data. You can also create a parameter that will perform validation of the data without loading it into Cobra.
You must set up all the extraction parameters that are needed for all Costpoint projects that have been identified as Cobra programs before you run the extraction process. You must have set up all templates in the Maintain Cobra Charge Templates, the Maintain Cobra Budget Element Templates, and Maintain Cobra Cost Templates screens. You should set up the Integration Configuration and Scheduler screen in the Interface Controls menu as soon as you have set up all the extraction parameters needed for the extraction process.
Use the fields in this group box to select a charge template, a budget element template and a cost template for this extraction parameter. The default templates that were selected in the Cobra Interface Settings screen automatically display in these fields but can be changed.
Enter, or use to select, a charge template for this
parameter. You can accept the default charge template that was entered
in the Cobra Interface Settings screen or select a new one. Charge
templates are set up in the Maintain Cobra Charge Template screen.
Charge templates dictate the relationship between charging elements in Costpoint and those in Cobra. The extraction process uses the structure identified in the charge templates to create the CSV files.
Enter, or use to select, a budget element template
for this parameter. You can accept the default budget element template
that was entered in the Cobra Interface Settings screen or select a new
one. Budget element templates are set up in the Maintain Cobra Budget
Element Templates screen.
Budget element templates instruct the system how to link labor and non-labor cost in the Costpoint and Cobra databases. The extraction process uses this information to create the CSV files.
Enter, or use to select, a cost template for this parameter.
You can accept the default cost template that was entered in the Cobra
Interface Settings screen or select a new one. Cost templates are set
up in the Maintain Cobra Cost Templates screen.
Cost templates instruct the system how to link indirect pools and COM in the Costpoint and Cobra databases. The extraction process uses this information to create the CSV files.
Use the fields in this group box to select the range of Costpoint projects or the Cobra Master program that will use the templates and other settings in this parameter. The choice made in this group box determines whether the list of projects using a given parameter is derived from Cobra or from the range of projects entered in this group box.
Select this option and enter a value in the field to the right if you want to use the Cobra Master program.
A Cobra master program allows you to identify multiple projects in the Multi-Program dialog box to act as a single project. When loading actual costs into a master project, you can either uniquely identify all cost accounts within the master project, or use a combination of the project name and the cost account (or alternate code identified in the charging template).
By selecting Cobra master program to as the project selection criteria, the system uses the Cobra programs linked to the Cobra Master Program to identify the Costpoint projects to be included in the extraction. The Costpoint projects are identified by using the Project Mapping table logic as defined by the Cobra Mapping Tables option in the Cobra Interface Settings application.
Select this option and add project information in the Selection group box if you want to specify a range of Costpoint projects that will use this parameter. The system will apply the settings in this screen to the range of projects entered in the Selection group box.
Use the fields in this group box to enter project information if you have selected the Costpoint Projects option. You can select by Project, Project Classification, Project Type, or Cobra Program. You can select a range of projects, from the beginning of the projects to a specific project, a single project, or a specific project to the end of the project list. You can also select a non-contiguous range by using the List Mode, Apply, and Remove check boxes.
Use this drop-down list to select the value that you want to use for selection. The available options are Project, Project Classification, Project Type, and Cobra Program. The range options entered in the Range Option, From, and To fields will be based on the selection made in this field.
Use this drop-down list to select a range option for this parameter. The range option selected here will be based on the value entered in the Select By drop-down list. The available options are:
All – Use this option to select all values in the range.
One – Use this option if you only want to assign a single item to this parameter.
Range – Use this option if you want to assign a contiguous range of items to this parameter.
From Beginning – Use this option if you want to select a contiguous range of items from the beginning of the range through a specific value in the range.
To End – Use this option if you want to select a contiguous range of items from a specific value in the range to the end of the range.
Use this field to enter a value (depending on the selection in the Select By field) if you have selected the One, Range, or To End option in the Range Option field. This field is unavailable if you have selected the All or From Beginning option in the Range Option field.
Use this field to enter a value (depending on the selection in the Select By field) if you have selected the Range, or From Beginning option in the Range Option field. This field is unavailable if you have selected the All or To End option in the Range Option field.
Select this check box if you want to enter a non-contiguous range in the unlabelled field to the left. When you select this check box, the Range field will default to One and the From, Apply, and Remove fields will be enabled.
Enter a project in the From field, and select the Apply button to select a project to be included in the non-contiguous range. Use the Remove field to remove a previously selected project from the list. The extraction process will apply the settings in this parameter to all the projects in the non-contiguous range.
Use this button to include the project entered in the From field in the non-contiguous range.
Use this button to remove a project that is currently in the non-contiguous range. Highlight the project that you want to remove in the unlabelled field to the left and select the Remove button.
Select this check box if you want to include inactive projects in the extraction process. If you do not select this check box, the actual costs associated with any inactive tasks will not be included in the extraction process.
Use the Active check box in the Basic Info or Maintain Project Master screens to set the status of the project. An unchecked status denotes an inactive project.
Use the fields in this group box to define Costpoint settings. You can define the values that you want to include in the CSV file, select a rate with which to burden the actual costs, and select the timeframe for which you want to transfer actual costs. You can also define the beginning period for an inception-to-date transfer.
Use this drop-down list to select the values that you want to include in the CSV file for this extraction parameter. The valid options are as follows:
Hours Only – Select this option if you want to include hours only in this extraction parameter. This option assumes that costs and burden will be calculated using stored rates in Cobra. This option is primarily used for interim reporting. Budgeted hourly rates by labor resource are stored in Cobra and can be used to calculate approximate actual costs using the hours transferred with this method.
Hours and Labor Dollars – Select this option if you want to include hours and the related labor dollars in this extraction parameter. This option assumes that burden will be calculated using stored rates in Cobra. This option is primarily used for interim reporting or when other direct costs are not required.
Hours and Direct Dollars – Select this option if you want to include hours and direct costs in this extraction parameter. This option assumes that burden will be calculated using stored rates in Cobra.
Hours and Total Dollars – Select this option if you want to include hours, total direct dollars, and burden in this extraction parameter. The burden that is transferred is from the CB_BURD_SUM table in Costpoint. This table is created by the Compute Cobra Burden Costs process which must be executed before you can run the extraction process. This method is generally used at the end of a period for the final earned value calculations.
Use this drop-down list to select the types of rates that you want to use for this extraction parameter. The options are Target and Actual. These rates will only be used for current year costs. The rate used for prior year costs will depend on the rates in the Maintain Prior Year Cobra Costs screen. This field is only available if you have selected the Hours and Total Dollars option in the Values field. Indirect costs for all other options in the Values field are computed using the rates in Cobra.
Use the fields in this group box to define the timeframe that you want to include in the CSV file for this extraction parameter.
Use this drop-down list to select the timeframe for which the actual costs should be summarized. The options are Subperiod, Period, and Inception-To-Date. If you select the Inception-To-Date option, you can enter a beginning fiscal year, period, and subperiod for the range of projects or just let the system select all periods.
Select this check box if you want to identify the beginning fiscal year, period, and subperiod for this extraction parameter. This field is only available if you have selected the inception-to-date timeframe in the Time drop-down list. The Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod fields will only be available if this box is selected. The extraction process will automatically include all inception-to-date costs if this check box is not selected. This option may be used on programs where re-baselining was required and only costs since the re-baseline event should be transferred.
Use this drop-down list to select the fiscal year that identifies the beginning of the range of periods that should be used for the inception-to-date actual costs. The ending fiscal year used will be the fiscal year displayed in the Current group box of the Cobra Interface Settings screen.
Use this drop-down list to select the period that identifies the beginning of the range of periods that should be used for the inception-to-date actual costs. The ending period used will be the period displayed in the Current group box of the Cobra Interface Settings screen.
Use this drop-down list to select the subperiod that identifies the beginning of the range of periods that should be used for the inception-to-date actual costs. The ending subperiod used will be the subperiod displayed in the Current group box of the Cobra Interface Settings screen.
Use the fields in this group box to select Cobra Settings. You can elect to advance the calendar in the Cobra system, define additional calculation results needed in the CSV file, elect to post only valid transactions in a file that contains errors, perform validation only processes, and replace BE classes for specific types of extractions.
Select this check box if you want to roll the Cobra calendar forward to the next period before the CSV file is loaded.
Use this field to enter additional results that you want to include in the extraction. This could be something like full-time equivalents (FTEs) that do not exist in Costpoint. Lookup from Cobra is available if you have established a connection in the Cobra Interface Settings screen.
Select this check box if you only want to create a .CSV file and do not want to load it automatically into the Cobra system.
Select this check box to generate and validate the file without importing it. The validation is completed and only error reports are produced. When this check box is selected, the Generate File Only option is disabled.
Select this check box if you want the extraction process to load the CSV file for valid records, even if there are errors present in the data. If you select this check box, you will be able to correct and reprocess records included in the error file and the valid records will be subsequently uploaded to Cobra.
When running in Master Program mode, you can select this check box if you want to include the Cobra name in the CSV file produced by the AI engine. By default, this option is not selected.
Use the fields in this group box to select overrides to the cost class contained in the Budget Element Template for specific types of extractions. You can replace one or all of the classes.
Select this option if you do not want to replace of the classes identified in the Budget Element Template. This is the default setting.
Select this option if you want to replace one of the classes. Enter the cost class that you want to replace in the first field and the cost class that you want to use in the process in the next field to the right.
Select this option if you want to replace all the cost classes in the Budget Element Template entered in the BE Template field. Enter the cost class that you want to use for this extraction in the field to the right.
Changes to this table update the X_OBJ_SUPP table.