The purpose of this Overview is to describe the differences between running an ADP timesheet file for ADP for Windows version 2.5, 3.1, 4.0, 5.0, or 5.1, and previous ADP versions.
The ADP Timesheet Interface creates an ASCII file that contains hours and earnings data needed by ADP to calculate payroll. If you select "1" from the ADP Version drop-down box in the ADP Timesheet Transfer screen, Deltek Costpoint will generate a fixed-length file which is compatible with ADP DOS versions 4, 5, and 6 and ADP Windows versions 1 and 2 (i.e., the file that Costpoint generates can be read and imported by those ADP versions).
If you select "2.5" from the ADP Version drop-down box, Costpoint will generate a comma-separated file that can be imported by ADP for Windows versions 2.5, 3.1, 4.0, 5.0, and 5.1.
For the fixed-length file format, the header record consists of these fields:
Record Type
Company Field ID
Company Code
Batch Number Field ID
Batch Number
ADP Version
The header record for the comma-separated format consists of:
Company Code
Batch ID
File Number (ADP's employee ID)
Any other field that you want to include in the detail records
In other words, the header record in the comma-separated format acts as column identifiers for the detail records. Company Code, Batch ID, and File Number must always be included and must always be first. Any other field is optional. A list of valid field identifiers can be found in the ADP Data Exchange Guide.
The fields we have chosen to include are:
Pay #
Shift Code
Reg Hours
Reg Earnings
O/T Hours
O/T Earnings
Hours 3 Code
Hours 3 Amount
Earnings 3 Code
Earnings 3 Amount
Hours 4 Code
Hurs 4 Amount
Earnings 4 Code
Earnings 4 Amount
Earnings 5 Code
Earnings 5 Amount
Special Action (Optional - corresponds to "Suppress Rate 1")
Tax Frequency
In the comma-separated format, the detail fields correspond by position to the field identifiers in the header record. Field IDs no longer appear in the detail records; the detail records consist of data only.
There is no trailer record in the new format.
When creating the ADP timesheet file for ADP DOS versions 4, 5, and 6 or ADP Windows versions 1 and 2, use the ADP Mappings application to set up your mappings. When creating the ADP timesheet file for ADP for Windows version 2.5, 3.1 4.0, 5.0, or 5.1, use the ADP 2.5 Mappings application to set up your mappings.