Use this subtask to view the active bank account changes made in the Maintain Employee Bank Info screen.  The fields in this table window are non-editable, and can be maintained in the Maintain Employee Bank Info screen.

Trans Type

This non-editable field displays the type of modification for the specific transaction displayed. The field will contain an "A" to indicate an "Add" transaction, a "D" to indicate a "Delete" transaction, or a "U" to indicate an "Update" transaction.


This non-editable field displays the employee ID for the employee whose Employee Bank Info record was changed.

Displayed Name

This non-editable field displays the name that corresponds to the employee ID for this transaction.

Modified By (User)

This non-editable field displays the user ID (Costpoint login ID) of the system user who made the modification shown in this transaction.

Date Modified

This non-editable field displays the date that the modification took place.


This non-editable field displays the priority order in which the account receives funds. Rank "1" is the highest priority and rank "10" is the lowest. A rank number of "1" indicates that the line has first priority and the system will process it first when calculating the deduction from the employee's net pay.


This non-editable field displays the bank ID for the bank account that will receive this direct deposit payment. 

Bank Name

This non-editable field displays the name of the Bank.

Bank Account

This non-editable field displays the employee's bank account number for the associated bank.

ACH Trans Type

This non-editable field displays the ACH transfer code, which determines the type of account and transaction to be made.


This non-editable field displays the method by which the Percent or Amount field is calculated. Valid values are "Percentage," "Fixed Amount," "Residual," and "No Amount".

Percent or Amount

This non-editable field is used in conjunction with the Method field. If the Method field is "Fixed Amount," this non-editable field displays the amount allocated to the bank account.  If the Method is "Percentage," this non-editable field displays the percentage of net pay allocated to the bank account.  For the "Residual" or "No Amount" Method, this field will be "0."