Use this subtask to assign established standard text codes to this requisition line. The standard text will then be printed at the line level of the requisition. Use the Auto-Load pushbutton to load text codes that are assigned to the item and project IDs in the requisition line. You can assign standard Text codes to items in the Assign Standard Text subtask in the Maintain Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.
These non-editable fields display the requisition ID, revision, and line number from the main screen.
These non-editable fields display the item ID, revision, miscellaneous type, and description from the requisition line.
If you have assigned any Standard Text codes to this item, selecting the Auto-Load pushbutton will populate the table window with the applicable standard text code information. If the main screen contains two or more requisition lines (i.e., items with text codes), you can enter the requisition line which already contains the text code information, and select the Copy pushbutton to import the standard text rows.
Use this pushbutton to automatically copy all text codes from the specified requisition line number to this subtask.
Enter the sequence number in the order that you would like to have text printed on documents.
Enter a text source code here to determine how Lookup will display the available text for text codes. Enter "I" for item text codes, or "P" for project text codes, or leave this field blank for all text codes.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a text code to associate with this requisition line. You must have already established the text code in the PO Standard Text screen in Costpoint Purchasing or in the Standard Text screen in Costpoint Product Definition. The text code must also have a Where-Used code of "Purchase Requisition" or "Purchase Order" in order to be viewed here.
This field displays the description of the selected code.
This field displays the where-used code for the selected text code. System-defined codes are as follows:
REQ - This text code can be selected for a requisition only.
PO - This text code is used for purchase orders.
BOTH - This text code has been linked to both requisitions and POs.
This field displays the document print option assigned to the selected text codes. The display-only values are as follows:
B - Both. Text will be printed on both internal reports (including requisitions) and POs.
I - Internal. Text will print on internal reports (including requisitions) only.
E -External. Text will print on POs only.
Select this pushbutton to load all text codes associated with this item and project.