Condition |
Type |
Message |
Two input file rows with the same req ID. |
Y |
Duplicate rows exist in the input file. |
Requisition header input file row exists without any associated Requisition Line input file row. |
Y |
At least one requisition line must be associated with a requisition header. |
Requisition ID exists in RQ_HDR with COMPANY_ID different from that of the user. |
Y |
Requisition ID already exists for another company. |
Requisitioner ID is not in EMPL for user’s COMPANY_ID, or exists but is not active (EMPL.S_EMPL_STATUS_CD not = ACT). |
Y |
This requisitioner employee does not exist or is inactive. |
Requisitioner Org is not in ORG for user’s COMPANY_ID (if non-blank). |
Y |
This requisitioner organization does not exist. |
Requisition Approval Process (header) is not in RQ_HDR_APPRVL for user’s COMPANY_ID. |
Y |
This header approval process code does not exist. |
Approval level = header, Approval Process Assignment is Manual and Header Approval Process is blank. |
Y |
Header approval process is required when approvals are by requisition and approval process assignment is Manual. |
Approvals are required at the header level (RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPRVL_LVL_CD = R, S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD is not N), but system was not able to assign an approval process code. |
Y |
Approvals are required, but the process was not able to assign an approval process code to the requisition. |
Req Settings Approvals is by P/A/O; manually entered Approval Process has NOT been linked to the project or acct/org on the first requisition line. |
Y |
The Approval Process is not linked to the associated Project or Acct/Org on the line, which is a required condition when Requisition Approval Process Assignments is by Proj/Acct/Org. |
Req Settings Approvals is by Item Type; manually entered Approval Process has NOT been linked to the item type on the first requisition line. |
Y |
The Approval Process is not linked to the associated Item Type on the line, which is a required condition when Requisition Approval Process Assignments is by Item Type. |
Procurement Type does not exist in PROCURE_TYPE. |
Y |
This procurement type does not exist. |
Project does not exist in PROJ for user’s COMPANY_ID, or exists but is not active. |
Y |
This project does not exist or is inactive. |
Over Budget Validation Reqd flag not Y or N. |
Y |
Over Budget Validation Reqd must be Y or N. |
Buyer ID is not in BUYER for user’s COMPANY_ID. |
Y |
This buyer does not exist. |
Combine with other requisitions not Y or N. |
Y |
Combine with other requisitions must be Y or N. |
GSA not Y or N. |
Y |
GSA must be Y or N. |
Record already exists in Costpoint table for the data in the input file (or staging table), screen option selected for duplicate error handling duplicates is "Do Not Overwrite." |
Y |
This record already exists in Costpoint tables and will not be imported as per the error handling option selected. |
Row does not exist in CURRENCY table with S_CRNCY_CD = Trans Currency (input file/staging table). |
Y |
The transaction currency does not exist. |
Row exists in MU_CRNCY_STATUS table with S_CRNCY_CD = Trans Currency (input file/staging table), and EXPIR_DT < Rate Date (input file/staging table). Note – does not apply to transaction currencies that don’t have a row in the above table. |
Y |
The currency is not active for the rate date entered. |
Row does not exist in RT_GRP table with RT_GRP_ID = Rate Group (input file/staging table). |
Y |
The rate group does not exist. |
Row does not exist in RT_GRP_CRNCY with the combination of RT_GRP_ID = Rate Group (input file/staging table), FR_S_CRNCY_CD = Trans Currency (input file/staging table) & TO_S_CRNCY_CD = GL_CONFIG. FUNC_S_CRNCY_CD). |
Y |
Transaction to Functional Currency combination is not a member of the Rate Group. |
Row does not exist in RT_BY_DT table with the combination of RT_GRP_ID = Rate Group (input file/staging table), FR_S_CRNCY_CD = Trans Currency (input file) & TO_S_CRNCY_CD = GL_CONFIG. FUNC_S_CRNCY_CD), OR row exists but END_DT < Rate Date (input file/staging table). |
Y |
There is no exchange rate available for the selected currency code combination, date and rate group. |
Record already exists in Costpoint table for the data in the input file (or staging table), screen option selected for duplicate error handling duplicates is "Overwrite Existing." |
N |
This record already exists in Costpoint tables but will be overwritten upon upload as per the error handling option selected. |
Approval Process outside amount limit, approvals at req level. |
N |
Warning: Selected Approval Process has no approval titles with the minimum or maximum amount limit meeting the requisition total amount. |
Header status entered is I, RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD = N, RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPRVL_LVL_CD = R). |
N |
Warning: Requisition status will be A (Approved) since approvals are not required. |
Condition |
Type |
Message |
Requisition line input file row exists without any associated Requisition Header input file row. |
Y |
This requisition line must be associated with a requisition header. |
More than one row exists in the input file (or staging table) with same RQ_ID/RQ_LN combination. |
Y |
Line numbers should be unique for a given requisition. |
Item/Rev (or Item if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N) combination does not exist for user’s company (or for Company = 1 if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL = N). |
Y |
This Item/Rev does not exist. |
Item/Rev (or Item if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N) combination and ITEM. ACTIVE_FL = N. |
Y |
This Item/Rev is not active. |
Part/Rev (or part if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N) combination and PART. S_STATUS_CD = E. |
Y |
This Part/Rev has a status of Estimating. |
Part/Rev (or part if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N) combination and PART. S_STATUS_CD = P. |
Y |
This Part/Rev has a status of Pre-Release. |
Misc Type (non-blank) not in LN_CHG_TYPE for user’s COMPANY_ID. |
Y |
This miscellaneous type does not exist. |
Misc Type Code not = Blank, Item/Rev not = Blank. |
Y |
A miscellaneous type cannot be entered for a part, good or service. |
Misc Type Code = Blank, Item/Rev = Blank. |
Y |
Either Item/Rev or Misc Type must be entered for the requisition line. |
Commodity must be valid Commodity Code (if non-blank). If the ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL = Y, must have same company ID as User’s. |
Y |
This commodity code does not exist. |
Req U/M is not in UM table. |
Y |
This unit of measure does not exist. |
Requisition Line Quantity < 0. |
Y |
Quantity cannot be negative. |
Est Unit Cost (Trans) < 0. |
Y |
Est Unit Cost cannot be negative |
Est Cost Type (if non-blank) is not in RQ_EST_CST_TYPE for user’s COMPANY_ID. |
Y |
This cost type does not exist. |
Taxable flag not Y or N. |
Y |
Taxable must be Y or N. |
Ship ID not in SHIP_ID for user’s COMPANY_ID. |
Y |
This Ship ID does not exist. |
Requisition Approval Process (line) is not in RQ_LN_APPRVL for user’s COMPANY_ID. |
Y |
This approval process code does not exist. |
Warehouse (non-blank) is not in WHSE for user’s COMPANY_ID. |
Y |
This warehouse does not exist. |
Preferred Vendor - Vendor (if non-blank) is not in VEND for user’s COMPANY_ID. |
Y |
This vendor does not exist. |
Preferred Vendor is on PO Hold Status (VEND.S_VEND_PO_CNTL_CD = H). |
Y |
Vendor is on hold status. |
Preferred Vendor is a Payroll vendor. (VEND.PR_VEND_FL = Y). |
Y |
A payroll vendor cannot be used in requisitions. |
Preferred Vendor has an approval status of Not Approved or Pending (VEND. VEND_APPRVL_CD = N or P). |
Y |
The preferred vendor on a requisition line must be approved. |
Procurement Type (if non-blank) is not in PROCURE_TYPE. |
Y |
This procurement type does not exist. |
Suggested Blanket PO Is not in PO_HDR with user’s COMPANY_ID. |
Y |
This blanket purchase order does not exist. |
Suggested Blanket PO is in PO_HDR with user’s COMPANY_ID, but S_PO_TYPE is not equal to B. |
Y |
This purchase order exists but is not a blanket order. |
Suggested Blanket PO is in PO_HDR with user’s COMPANY_ID, but S_PO_STATUS_TYPE = C or V. |
Y |
This blanket purchase order is either closed or void. |
Planner does not exist (not null) in PLANNER with user’s COMPANY_ID, or exists but with PLANNER. ACTIVE_FL = N. |
Y |
This planner does not exist or is inactive. |
Buyer (requisition line) is not in BUYER with user’s COMPANY_ID. |
Y |
This requisition line buyer does not exist. |
BOM Configuration - Does not exist in BOM_CONFIG table. |
Y |
This BOM configuration does not exist. |
Manufacturer - Does not exist in MANUF. |
Y |
This manufacturer does not exist. |
Industry Classification - Does not exist in IND_CLASS table. |
Y |
This industry classification code does not exist. |
Order Ref Type – Not S or N. |
Y |
The order reference type code can only be S (Sales Order) or N (None). |
The Preferred Quote entered has a transaction currency that is different from that entered in the requisition header. |
Y |
Transaction currency of preferred quote is different from that of the requisition. |
Inv Purchase - No way to convert to Inv U/M. This error message is executed for part with invt abbrev cd when a) given part (part key) and entered Req U/M doesn’t exist in ITEM_UM table as Inventory u/m, and b) conversion formula doesn’t exist in ITEM_UM_CONV table to convert from the entered Req U/M to the part's inventory U/M and c) conversion formula doesn’t exist in UM_CONV table to convert from the entered Req U/M to the part's inventory U/M. |
Y |
Message: No unit of measure conversion exists from the entered U/M to the part inventory U/M. |
Qty = 0, Line Type is Part or Good. |
Y |
Requested Qty must be greater than zero if the line type is a part or good. |
Inv Abbrev non-blank and Line Type not = P. |
Y |
Inventory abbreviations can only be assigned to line type of P (Part). |
Inv Abbrev is entered and Part is non-inventory part |
Y |
Inventory abbreviations cannot be assigned to non-inventory parts. |
Preferred Vendor – Part entered, item settings prevents purchase of part when vendor is not approved for this part (ITEM_SETTINGS. VEND_NOT_PREF_FL = Y), and Preferred Vendor is not Approved for the part (ITEM_VEND.PREF_VENDOR_CD = N). |
Y |
This vendor is not approved for this part. |
Preferred Vendor – Part entered, item settings prevents purchase of part when vendor is not assigned to this part (ITEM_SETTINGS. VEND_NOT_APPRVD_FL = Y), and row does not exist in ITEM_VEND for matching item and vendor. |
Y |
This vendor has not been assigned to this part. |
Preferred Quote does not exist for this preferred vendor, and RQ_SETTINGS. VALID_QT_FL = Y. |
N |
Warning: This vendor/quote combination does not currently exist. |
Preferred Quote does not contain requisition line item (and item is not null), and RQ_SETTINGS. VALID_QT_FL = Y. |
N |
Warning: This requisition line item does not exist in this quote. |
Order Ref Type = S to and Order Ref No/Release/Line does not exist on SO_LN table. |
Y |
This Sales Order Line number referenced in the order reference columns does not exist. |
Y |
The transaction currency code selected is not valid for this vendor |
Req Settings Approvals is by Proj/Acct/Org; manually entered Approval Process has NOT been linked to the project or acct/org on the corresponding line (approvals by line). |
Y |
The Approval Process is not linked to the associated Project or Acct/Org on the line, which is a required condition when Requisition Approval Process Assignments is by Proj/Acct/Org. |
Req Settings Approvals is by Item Type; manually entered Approval Process has NOT been linked to the item type on the corresponding line (approvals by line). |
Y |
The Approval Process is not linked to the associated Item Type on the line, which is a required condition when Requisition Approval Process Assignments is by Item Type. |
RQ_LN Inventory Abbreviation is not null and INVT_ABBRV_CD. S_ACTIVE_CD = N or O. |
Y |
The inventory abbreviation for this requisition line is not active. |
None of the Projects or Acct/Org for that requisition line account have Approval Processes set up for them. Approval Process Assignment is by PAO. |
Y |
None of the projects or account/orgs on this line have approval process codes assigned to them. An approval process code is required to add this requisition. |
Approval level = line, Approval Process Assignment is Manual and Line Approval Process is blank. |
Y |
Line approval process is required when approvals are by requisition line and approval process assignment is Manual. |
If requisition line has an inventory abbreviation, MRP_SETTINGS_CORP. WHSE_PLN_FL = Y, and input file does not have a warehouse and no default can be loaded. |
Y |
Warehouse is required for inventory items. |
RQ_LN.TAXABLE_FL = Y, but RQ_LN.SHIP_ID is blank. |
Y |
Ship ID is required if Req line is taxable. |
Req Line Type = P or G, Ship ID is blank. |
Y |
Ship ID is required if Req line type is a part or good. |
QC Reqd flag not Y or N. |
Y |
QC Reqd flag must be Y or N |
Source Inspection Reqd flag not Y or N. |
Y |
Source Inspection Reqd flag must be Y or N. |
Cert of Conf flag not Y or N. |
Y |
Cert of Conf flag must be Y or N. |
Overship flag not Y or N. |
Y |
Overship flag must be Y or N. |
If ITEM_SETTINGS. RECPT_TOL_FL = N, or if RQ_LN.OVRSHP_ALLOW_FL = N, and Receipt Tolerance value is > 0%. |
Y |
Receipt Tolerance must be 0% if receipt tolerances are not used in item settings, or if requisition line does not allow overshipment. |
Requisition/Req Ln combination already exists in RQ_LN with GENERATED_QTY > 0, input file (or staging table) has a different Item/Rev on that same Req Ln. Overwrite Existing option is selected. |
Y |
Cannot change item/Rev if req line has already been generated. |
Line status entered is not P, I, or V. |
Y |
Line status entered must be P (Pending), I (In approval), or V (Void). |
Line Status entered is P, I, or V, and line already exists with RQ_LN.GENERATED_QTY > 0. Overwrite Existing option is selected. |
Y |
Cannot change the requisition Line Status if purchase orders have been generated. |
Line Status entered is P, I, or V, and line already exists with RQ_LN. S_RQ_STATUS_CD = C or V. Overwrite Existing option is selected. |
Y |
Cannot change the requisition Line Status if it is already Closed or Void. |
Line status entered is P or I, RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD is not = N, RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPRVL_LVL_CD = R. |
Y |
Since approvals are required at the requisition level, the only valid entry is V (Void). |
Approvals are required at the line level (RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPRVL_LVL_CD = L, S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD is not N), but system was not able to derive an approval process code. |
Y |
Approvals are required, but the process was not able to assign an approval process code to the requisition line. |
RQ_ID/RQ/LN combination already exists in Costpoint database with RQ_LN_S_RQ_STATUS_CD not C or G, Do Not Overwrite option is selected. |
Y |
Requisition/Requisition Line combination already exists. |
Receipt Tolerance Percent <0 or >100. |
Y |
Receipt Tolerance must be 0 – 100% |
RQ_ID/RQ/LN combination already exists in Costpoint database with RQ_LN_S_RQ_STATUS_CD not C or G, Overwrite Existing option is selected. |
N |
Warning: Requisition/Requisition Line combination already exists. Processing will delete the original and add the new row, as per the option selected for processing duplicates. |
N |
Warning: Requisition status will be A (Approved) since approvals are not required. |
N |
Warning: Line status will be A (Approved) since approvals are not required. |
Part/Rev (or part if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N) combination and PART. S_STATUS_CD = S. |
N |
Warning: This Item/Rev has a status of Phase-Out. |
Part/Rev (or part if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N) combination and PART. S_STATUS_CD = O. |
N |
Warning: This Item/Rev has a status of Obsolete. |
Req Line PART. MAX_LOT_SIZE_QTY > 0 and Order Qty (In Inv U/M) > MAX_LOT_SIZE_QTY. |
N |
Warning: Order quantity exceeds lot size quantity for the part. |
Requested Date < System Date. |
N |
Warning: The requested date is past. |
Input file (or staging table) has Inv Abbrev for a requisition line that already has more than one Req_Ln_Acct row associated with it. |
N |
Warning: Multiple account rows already exist for this requisition line. This update will delete those rows and apply the project/acct/org associated with the new inv abbreviation. |
Preferred Vendor is on PO Warning Status (VEND.S_VEND_PO_CNTL_CD = W). |
N |
Warning: Vendor is on warning status. |
Preferred Quote (if non-blank) is not in QT_HDR with user’s COMPANY_ID. |
N |
Warning: This quote does not exist in the database. |
Preferred Quote exists in QT_HDR with user’s COMPANY_ID, but EXPIRE_DT < System Date |
N |
Warning: This quote has expired. |
Preferred Quote exists in QT_HDR with user’s COMPANY_ID, and Req line Qty < QT_LN.MIN_QTY. |
N |
Warning: The requisition line quantity is less than the minimum quantity on the preferred quote line. |
Target Place Date (line) < System Date. |
N |
Warning: The target place date for the requisition line is already past. |
UM IS NOT ONE OF THREE UM FOR THAT ITEM/(REV). That is, given part (part key) and entered "Req U/M" doesn’t exist In ITEM_UM table (line validation). |
N |
Warning: This Unit of Measure is different from the Inventory, Order or Selling U/M defaults set up for this item. |
Manufacturer Part not blank, but is not referenced in any ALT_PART row (for user’s COMPANY_ID), for matching requisition line Part/Rev (or Part if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N), ITEM_SETTINGS. WARN_NOT_LIST_FL = Y. |
N |
Warning: this manufacturer's part number is not on the alternate part list. |
Manufacturer Part not blank, and row exists in ALT_PART (for user’s COMPANY_ID) with that manufacturer part for matching requisition line Part/Rev (or Part if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N). But PREF_FL = N and ITEM_SETTINGS. WARN_NOT_APPRVD_FL = Y. |
N |
Warning: this manufacturer's part number is not preferred for this system part number. |
Vendor Part not blank, but is not referenced in any ALT_PART row (for user’s COMPANY_ID), for matching requisition line Part/Rev (or Part if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N), ITEM_SETTINGS. WARN_NOT_LIST_FL = Y. |
N |
Warning: this vendor's part number is not on the alternate part list. |
Vendor Part not blank, and row exists in ALT_PART (for user’s COMPANY_ID) with that vendor part for matching requisition line Part/Rev (or Part if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N). But PREF_FL = N and ITEM_SETTINGS. WARN_NOT_APPRVD_FL = Y. |
N |
Warning: this vendor's part number is not preferred for this system part number. |
N |
Warning: the total estimated amount for this requisition exceeds this buyer’s authorization limit. |
N |
Warning: the suggested buyer cannot create blanket purchase order releases. |
N |
Warning: the estimated amount of all requisition lines associated with the suggested blanket purchase order would cause the blanket balance amount to be exceeded. |
N |
Warning: the requisition line item is not in the suggested blanket order. |
Blanket Period of Performance… If Suggested Blanket PO is non-blank – Requisition Line Requested Date is less than the Blanket PO line’s Period of Perf Start date or greater than Period of Perf End Date (if not zero). |
N |
Warning: the requested date is outside of blanket PO's period of performance dates. |
Approval Process outside amount limit, approvals at the req line level. |
N |
Warning: Selected Approval Process has no approval titles with the minimum or maximum amount limit meeting the requisition line total amount. |
Preferred Vendor on requisition line is different from PO_HDR.VEND_ID associated with the requisition line Suggested Blanket PO. |
N |
Warning: This preferred vendor does not match that in the suggested blanket PO. |
Quantity > 0, and value exists in Est Ext Cost Amt (Trans) in the input file/staging tables. |
N |
Warning: If the quantity is greater than zero, the value of the Est Ext Cost Amt will be calculated based on Est Unit Cost, and not loaded from the input file/staging table. |
Condition |
Type |
Message |
Line Account input file row exists, but there is no associated input file requisition line. |
Y |
This line account must be associated with a requisition line. |
More than one line account row exists in the input file (or staging table) with same RQ_ID/RQ_LN/ACCT_LN combination. |
Y |
Account line numbers should be unique for a given requisition/ requisition line combination. |
Account is not in ACCT, or row exists but ACTIVE_FL = N. |
Y |
This account does not exist or is inactive. |
Organization is not in ORG for user’s company, or exists but ACTIVE_FL = N. |
Y |
This organization does not exist or is inactive. |
Org Abbrev is not in ORG for user’s company, or exists but ACTIVE_FL = N. |
Y |
This organization abbreviation does not exist, or organization is inactive. |
Invalid Org/Org Abbrev combination. |
Y |
There is inconsistent data between org and org abbreviation entered. |
Account/Org not provided, Inv Abbrev is blank for requisition line. |
Y |
Account/Org is required if inv abbreviation has not been entered on the requisition line. |
Project is not in PROJ for user’s company, or exists but ACTIVE_FL = N. |
Y |
This project does not exist or is inactive. |
Project Abbrev is not in PROJ for user’s company, or exists but ACTIVE_FL = N. |
Y |
This project abbreviation does not exist, or project is inactive. |
Change PAO w/Inv Abbrev - If Req line has inv abbrev, user manually change any column on account subtask. |
Y |
Project/Account/Organization combination is inconsistent with that of the entered inventory abbreviation. |
Acct/Org combination does not exist in ORG_ACCT, or exists but ACTIVE_FL = N. |
Y |
This account/org combination either does not exist or is inactive. |
Account requires Project (ACCT.PROJ_REQD_FL = Y, but Project Blank |
Y |
This account requires a project. |
Ref 1 does not exist in REF_STRUC. |
Y |
This reference number does not exist. |
Ref 1 - Inactive - not used for data entry (REF_STRUC.REF_DATA_ENTRY_FL = N). |
Y |
This reference number may not be used in data entry. |
Ref 2 does not exist in REF_STRUC. |
Y |
This reference number does not exist. |
Ref 2 - Inactive - not used for data entry (REF_STRUC.REF_DATA_ENTRY_FL = N). |
Y |
This reference number may not be used in data entry. |
Allocation percent =<0 PCT>100. |
Y |
Allocation must be 0 – 100% |
Amount - Negative Number or Zero. |
Y |
Allocation amount must be greater than zero. |
Allocation Pct Sum of all rows is not 100%. |
Y |
The total of all allocation rows percentage values must equal to 100%. |
Allocated Amt Sum does not = Req Line Total Amount. |
Y |
The sum amount of all allocation rows must equal the Requisition Line Total Amount. |
Req line has inv abbrev, input file has line account row, but P/A/O combination does not match that associated with the inv abbrev. |
Y |
Project/Account/Organization combination is inconsistent with that of the entered inventory abbreviation on the associated requisition line. |
Req line has inv abbrev, input file has more than one line account row associated with that req line. |
Y |
If the associated requisition line has an inv abbrev, there can only be one line account row associated with it. |
N |
Warning: This buyer is not authorized for this project. |
Buyer not Authorized for Account/Org (Buyer ID not Blank) if PO_SETTINGS. BUYER_PAO_CD = I and if ORG_ACCT is in BUYER _ORG_ACCT TABLE, BUT BUYER (from RQ_LN) is not tied to that ORG_ACCT in the BUYER_ORG_ACCT table. or If BUYER_PAO_CD = E, BUYER/ACCT/ORG must be in BUYER_ORG_ACCT table for Req line buyer. |
N |
Warning: This buyer is not authorized for this organization/account. |
Requisition Line Requested Date is less than the project’s Period of Perf Start date or greater than Period of Perf End Date. |
N |
Warning: the requested date is outside of project’s period of performance dates. |
Request date outside of Acct/Org charging range – FY_CD_FR/PD_NO_FR and FY_CD_TO/PD_NO_TO. |
N |
Warning: The requested date is not within the account/org period of performance dates. |
Condition |
Type |
Message |
Line Charges input file row exists, but there is no associated input file requisition line. |
Y |
This line charge must be associated with a requisition line. |
More than one line charge row exists in the input file (or staging table) with same RQ_ID/RQ_LN/CHG_LN combination. |
Y |
Charge line numbers should be unique for a given requisition/ requisition line combination. |
Line Charge does not exist in LN_CHG_TYPE |
Y |
This line charge type does not exist. |
Line Charge Amount <= 0. |
Y |
The line charge amount must be greater than zero. |
Line Charge Taxable = Y but no SHIP ID on Req line. |
Y |
Ship ID on requisition line is required for taxable line charges. |
Line charge type already exists in another row for the same RQ_ID/RQ_LN combination. |
Y |
Charge Code cannot be used more than once for the same requisition/ requisition line combination. |
Taxable flag not Y or N. |
Y |
Taxable must be Y or N. |
Condition |
Type |
Message |
Line Text input file row exists, but there is no associated input file requisition line. |
Y |
This line text must be associated with a requisition line. |
Line Text Sequence Number < 0. |
Y |
Line text sequence number must be greater than or equal to zero. |
Line Text Code is not in STD_TEXT. |
Y |
This line text code does not exist. |
Line Text STD_TEXT.TEXT_CD does not have TEXT_WHERE_USED.S_HOW_USED_CD = R or P. |
Y |
This line standard text code is not eligible for use in requisitions. |
Line Text already exists in another row for the same RQ_ID/RQ_LN combination. |
Y |
Line Text cannot be used more than once for the same requisition/ requisition line combination. |
Line Text Sequence Number already exists in another row for the same RQ_ID/RQ_LN combination. |
Y |
Line Text sequence number cannot be used more than once for the same requisition/requisition line combination. |
Condition |
Type |
Message |
Header Text input file row exists, but there is no associated input file requisition header. |
Y |
This header text must be associated with a requisition header. |
Header Text Sequence Number < 0. |
Y |
Header text sequence number must be greater than or equal to zero. |
Header Text Code is not in STD_TEXT. |
Y |
This header text code does not exist. |
Header Text STD_TEXT.TEXT_CD does not have TEXT_WHERE_USED.S_HOW_USED_CD = R or P. |
Y |
This header standard text code is not eligible for use in requisitions. |
Header Text already exists in another row for the same RQ_ID. |
Y |
Header Text cannot be used more than once for the same requisition. |
Header Text Sequence Number already exists in another row for the same RQ_ID. |
Y |
Header Text sequence number cannot be used more than once for the same requisition. |