Data is required in all Columns.
This is a generic message indicating that a column value is missing from a particular row in which you are entering data.
Would you like to save changes?
This standard message displays when you exit an application. Select "YES" to save your changes; otherwise, select "NO."
Cannot insert duplicate Source Name! This will refresh the data.
You have tried to set up a source name that is already in use.
Cannot select PERIOD if Type is ETC
"Total" is the only supported type for ETC.
Could not Delete Data from the Linked Tables for File Definition!
You attempted to delete a source name, and the database was unable to delete all of the data from the linked tables. Please call technical support for assistance.
Do you want to Delete this Record and all its Links?
You are attempting to delete data related to a specific source name.
This change will DELETE all the linked data from Row, Column, and Mapping Tables! Would you like to Proceed?
You are attempting to delete all of the data related to a specific source name.
Column Number column must be greater than zero!
You have entered a column number that is not greater than zero.
Do you want to Delete this Record?
You are attempting to delete data.
The Rule Number Column values are not in Order. Do you want them to be fixed automatically?
You have entered rule numbers that are not in sequence.
The Source File Include Exclude Definition Rule Number column values are not in Order. The Data will not be Saved!
You have entered rule numbers that are not in sequence and have answered NO to the automatic fix.
At least one Row Definition must be selected!
You have not selected an option to define the content of the row.
Cannot have selected both DLC and DNLC for the same Source Name!
You cannot have both direct labor and direct non-labor within a single source name definition.
Cannot have the same Row Definition for a Source Name!
You cannot select the same option multiple times within a source name definition.
Cannot insert duplicate Row Type! This will refresh the data.
You cannot use the same Row Type name within a source file.
Cannot select ETC when Source File Definition Type is not ETC!
You are defining the content of the row as ETC, but the source file has not been defined as ETC.
Could not Delete Data from the Linked Tables for Row Definition!
You have attempted to delete a row type definition or change the type of data represented by this row, and the database was unable to delete all of the data from the linked tables. Please call technical support for assistance.
Do you want to Delete this Record and all its Links?
You are attempting to delete data related to a specific source file row definition.
DLC or DNLC must be selected with INDC!
Indirects CANNOT be processed alone. They must be in the same input file as the labor or non-labor data to which they are related.
Must select ETC when Source File Definition Type is ETC!
You have defined the content of the row as something other than ETC, but the source file has been defined as ETC.
No other combination with ETC is allowed!
You have tried to select an option other than ETC for an input file whose data holds ETC information.
Only one Selection is allowed per Row!
You have tried to select more than one option, and only one type of data can be defined for a row.
This change will DELETE all the linked data from Column Definition and Mapping Tables! Would you like to Proceed?
You are changing the definition of the row's content. All pre-existing column and mapping definitions for this source name and row definition will be deleted.
Please Verify the Mapping Definition Data as change(s) were made to the Column Number(s)!
You have altered the column definitions. This may cause a disconnection in your mapping definition; please verify your changes.
The Columns are not in Order. Do you want them to be fixed automatically?
You have entered column numbers that are not in sequence.
The Column values are not in Order. Do you want them to be fixed automatically?
You have entered column numbers that are not in sequence.
The Source File Column Definition Column Number values are not in Order. The Data will not be Saved unless its fixed!
You have entered column numbers that are not in sequence and have answered NO to the automatic fix.
Cannot drag this Column Number as the Include Flag is No!
You have tried to use a column number that you have defined as NOT available for mapping.
Cannot drag this Column Number as the Column Source in MAPDEF is of Type other then F!
You have tried to link a column number to a target column where the source of the data is NOT defined as coming from the input file.
Column No. must be Numeric.
You have entered a non-numeric value.
Column No. value is required and the Range must fall within the Column Definition's Column No. where Column Source is F!
You have defined the source of this column as the input file, but you have entered a column number that falls outside the number of defined columns.
Column Source Value cannot be other than: F, C, R, D!
You have tried to enter a source location that is not valid.
Data is Required in Column Number where Column Source is F.
You have defined the source of this column as the input file, so you must provide a column number.
Data is Required in the Column No. column!
You have tried to exit and have defined the source location as "F," but have not provided a column number.
Data is Required in Default Value where Column Source is D.
You have defined the source of this column as a default value, but you have not provided a default value.
Mapping Definition Data for Source Name: " XXX " does not exist!
You have clicked on the Mapping tab before setting up your column definitions.
Please enter the Default Value as the Location Id is: D!
You have defined the source of this column as a default value, but you have not provided a default value.
The Column No. entered should fall within the range of columns defined within the Source File Column Definition Grid and the Include Flag should be 'Yes'!
You have defined the source of this column as the input file, but you have entered a column number that falls outside the number of defined columns
Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have changed since it was last read.
Select the OK button, exit the application, and reopen it.