Creating a Review

Create reviews to invite participants to collaborate and approve or reject assets in a shared space. Depending on your project role, you can view, create, and edit reviews.

A review can have one or more assets associated with it. An asset can be versioned as many times as necessary. All assets in a review must be responded to before you can mark a review as Complete.

Auto Approval Rule

During the creation of the review, if the Auto Approve Rule option is selected, ConceptShare automatically marks the assets as Globally Approved and updates the review status to Complete when the reviewers provided positive responses (Approve, Defer, Completed Feedback). ConceptShare will also apply any specified tags to each asset in the review.

Note: Once the review status is set to Complete, you cannot change it back to In Progress. Therefore, any edits to the review must happen before the final response is received.
Option Image / Icon Description
Global Approve This icon indicates that the review is globally approved.
Global Reject This icon indicates that the review is globally rejected.
Response(s) Required This icon displays beside the global approve or global reject icons, and indicates that the review still has unsubmitted response(s).
Response(s) Submitted This icon indicates that you have submitted your response(s).