Approving / Submitting Responses

Depending on your review role, some reviews require your approval, rejection, deferral, or complete feedback response.

Responses Section

You can indicate your approval, rejection, deferral, or feedback completion of an asset in the Responses section. You can also view other reviewers' submissions and the date when they submitted their responses.

Column Description
Reviewer This column lists the name of the participants required to submit a response to a review.
Response This column lists the reviewers' responses.
  • Approved : A check mark indicates a reviewer's approval of the asset.
  • Rejected : An X mark indicates a reviewer's rejection of the asset.
  • Deferred : A curved arrow indicates a reviewer's deferral of the asset.
  • Complete Feedback
Date This column lists the date when a reviewer approved, rejected, deferred, or completed a review.