Add a Participant to a Review

Add participants to a review. You can include individuals, roles, or teams in a ConceptShare review.

To add a participant to a review:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. In the Navigation panel, click Projects.
  3. On the Projects dashboard, click the project that contains the review to which you want to add the guest reviewer.
  4. On the Project screen, click the Reviews tab.
  5. On the Reviews screen, click the check box to the left of the review, and click Edit from the main toolbar.
    Alternatively, right-click a review, and select Edit.
  6. On the Participants panel of the Review Builder, click Add .
  7. Select a participant from the list.
    If the selected resource is not part of the project, ConceptShare prompts you to assign a review role for the resource.
    Note: Icons with initials or images are individuals. Icons with stars indicate project roles. Icons with multiple people indicate teams.
  8. Click OK.