Add Deliverable Dialog Box

Use the fields and options in the Deliverable dialog box when creating Deliverables (deprecated).


Field Description
Name Specify the name of your Deliverable.
Description Enter a description to provide users with information about the purpose of your Deliverable.
Tags Use tags for search and identification purposes. You can tag Deliverables with a specific term or client name and use these terms to perform searches in ConceptShare.
Start Date Select the date when the Deliverable was started or will be started.
Due Date Select the date when the Deliverable should be completed.

A Deliverable owner is responsible for ensuring that the Deliverable is completed on time. By default, the owner is the user creating the Deliverable. You can change this information by clicking the small "x" to the right of the name and entering the name of the new owner. Deliverables can have only one owner, but Project Administrators have full access to deliverables and their settings.

Visibility You have the option to make the Deliverable available to everyone within a Project, or select individuals:
  • Everyone
  • Users assigned to this Deliverable
Status This is the current status of the Deliverable.
  • Not Started: This is the default setting.
  • In Progress: Use this status once work has begun on the Deliverable.
  • Completed: Use this status once the Deliverable is completed.
Phase Group and Phase Phase Groups and Phases are custom statuses that help you track the progress of your Projects and Deliverables. An Administrator can create custom groups and phases for your organization. Otherwise, this field will remain blank. For more information, see Statuses, Phases, and Phase Groups.