
Deltek ComputerEase 24.2 Release Notes

Release Date: September 27, 2024

These release notes topics contain a summary of features, enhancements, and software issues resolved made in ComputerEase 24.2.

For the PDF version of the release notes, view the following link: ComputerEase 24.2 Release Notes.

Summary of Changes

New Features and Enhancements

The following is a list of new features and enhancements for this release:
  • General
    • Add Equipment Description from ComputerEase Field to Time Center
    • Warning Message and Status Options for User Defined Fields
    • Allow 1099s to Be Prepared for Year 2024
  • Accounts Payable
    • Desktop Expense Creation Using ICR
  • General Ledger
    • Allow Users to Update Employee Hub Email Addresses
    • Add Posting Details to General Ledger
  • Integrations
    • Send AP Retainage Information to Nvoicepay
  • Job Costing
    • New Options and Enhancements at the Job Center
  • Document Management
    • Add Phase and Category Codes from ComputerEase Field to Field Logs
    • Field Log Updates to Support Field
    • Field Log Production Updates Window
    • Separate Windows for Creating and Editing Field Logs
    • Assign User Defined Fields to Sections in the Field Log Type Maintenance
    • Field Log Reports to Include Attachments

Software Issues Resolved

The following is a list of software issues resolved for this release:
  • General
    • Field Time Included in Multiple Access Groups with Different Filters
    • Field Log Report Missing Category Name
    • Utah State Tax Table Maintenance Has Fields on the Main Tab That Belong to Other Tabs
  • Payroll
    • Sick Leave Disallow Option Allows Check to Be Printed
    • Error When Deleting Payroll Data If Third Party Pay Existed
  • Document Management
    • Changing Dates on Submittal Items Clears Out Other Dates
  • Qtools
    • Carriage Returns Caused Issues When Exporting Qtool to Excel

New Features and Enhancements

This section includes new features or enhancements in this release.


Add Equipment Description from ComputerEase Field to Time Center

You can now view the equipment description at Time Center that was entered from ComputerEase Field. This feature allows the equipment description to be tracked, recorded, and updated from both ComputerEase and ComputerEase Field.

To view and update the equipment description, go to Payroll System > Time Center.

(Deltek Tracking Number: 2103613)

Allow 1099s to Be Prepared for Year 2024

You can now prepare, edit, and print 1099s for the tax year 2024. Previously, you were restricted from performing those tasks. With this feature, you can now view 1099s and check for accuracy before their actual printing.

To prepare, edit, or print 1099s, go to Accounts Payable > Reports > Print 1099s.

(Deltek Tracking Number: 2206719)

Warning Message and Status Options for User Defined Fields

A warning message is now displayed to you if you are deleting a User Defined Field (UDF). This allows you to be warned of the consequence of the UDF deletion and to make an informed decision before proceeding.

In addition, you now have the option to set the status of a UDF to active or inactive. If a UDF is set to inactive, it will not prompt you for an entry. Inactive UDFs are also not included in reports if their values are blank. You can also generate a report on inactive UDFs in QTool.

To change the status of a UDF, go to Configure > System Parameters and select any of the submodule parameters within it. In the Data Files tab, select the UDF you want to change status and click the Edit button.

(Deltek Tracking Number: 2107654)

Accounts Payable

Desktop Expense Creation Using ICR

You can now scan receipts via Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) and automatically populate fields when creating expenses. Previously, you had to manually enter the details of the expense. With this feature, you can create expenses faster and pay employees accordingly.

To create an expense by scanning a receipt, go to Accounts Payable > Expense Management > Work on Reimbursable/Non-Reimbursable Expenses > Create Expense. The Capture button on the Expense window allows you to scan receipts and automatically populate the Amount, Date, and Merchant fields.

(Deltek Tracking Number: 1768823)

General Ledger

Add Posting Details to General Ledger

You can now view additional details when viewing activities in the General Ledger. These include the user who performed the posting, and the date and time of the posting. This feature allows you to better understand the postings and easily follow up on the entries. These changes have been applied to the following windows:
  • At QTool > General Ledger > Detail report, you can add the following columns to include them in the report: Date Posted, Time Posted, User ID, and User Name.
  • At General Ledger > Reports > General Ledger, you can enable the "Include Posting Details" option to include the Posted and By columns.
(Deltek Tracking Number: 2073001)

Allow Users to Update Employee Hub Email Addresses

You can now update your Employee Hub email address so that you can gain access to your records. Previously, Deltek ComputerEase Engineering manually performed this task. With this feature, you no longer need to contact Deltek ComputerEase Engineering to have your Employee Hub email address updated.

To update your Employee Hub email address, go to Payroll System > Maintenance Programs > Employee Hub User Maintenance and click the Update Email button.

To enable access to this feature, edit a user's settings by selecting Programs > Payroll > Maintenance Programs > Update Employee Hub Email on the User Settings window when logged in as a PW MAINT user.

(Deltek Tracking Number: 1634626)


Send AP Retainage Information to Nvoicepay

You can now send the retainage withheld to Nvoicepay. The retainage withheld value is included as a comment on the remittance sent by Nvoicepay to the AP Gateway.

(Deltek Tracking Number: 2089278)

Job Costing

New Options and Enhancements at the Job Center

The following changes have been made to Management Centers > Job Center.
  • The Field Logs option has been added to the Reports section. This option allows you to access the Field Log Report - Single window from the Job Center.
  • Areas Over Budget has been added to the Reports section. It has the following submenus:
    • Categories Over Budget Report
    • Labor Over Budget Report
    • Cost Types Over Budget Report
  • Document Management menu and submenus have been added to the Utilities section. To enable access to this menu and its submenus, edit a user's settings by selecting Programs > Project Management > Document Management on the User Settings window when logged in as a PW MAINT user.
  • Job fields are now populated with the Job Number being viewed in the relevant menus.
(Deltek Tracking Number: 2083629)

Document Management

Add Phase and Category Codes from ComputerEase Field to Field Logs

You can now view the phase and category codes at the Employees and Equipment tabs of the Field Logs that were entered from ComputerEase Field. This feature allows the phase and category codes to be tracked, recorded, and updated from both ComputerEase and ComputerEase Field.

In addition, employee and equipment records are now grouped by phases and categories at the Field Log Report, formerly known as Daily Log Report. To create or view the field log phase and category codes, go to Document Management > Field Logs > Create a Field Log/Edit a Field Log. The phase and category codes are automatically populated when selecting a new Cost Code for the employee or equipment.

(Deltek Tracking Number: 2103613)

Assign User Defined Fields to Sections in the Field Log Type Maintenance

User Defined Fields (UDFs) can now be assigned to sections and define the order that they appear. This allows you to easily identify what section the additional information relates to.

To assign UDFs to sections and order them, go to This can be done at Document Management > Field Logs > Maintenance Programs > Field Log Type Maintenance. The "Additional Information" now replaces the "Enable User Fields" table with additional buttons to assign each item to a section and order them.

(Deltek Tracking Number: 2102889)

Field Log Production Updates Window

You can now the post production data to job costs using the Field Log Production Updates window. With this feature, you no longer need to perform manual production entries.

The Field Log Production Updates window allows you to perform the following tasks:
  • Review field log production information.
  • Manage selection of field log entries.
  • Update a field log entry's production status.
  • Save your changes and update job cost production values.
  • Save your changes without updating job cost production values.
Productivity data can now be added when creating a field log. The relevant fields are located in the Productivity tab. In addition, productivity data has been added to the Field Log Report as a section with the heading "Productivity". It is also added as a section to Field Log - Single, Field Log - Multiple, and Word template.

To open the Field Log Production Updates window, go to Document Management > Field Logs > Field Log Production UpdatesTo enable access to this feature, edit a user's settings by selecting Programs > Project Management > Document Management > Field Log Production Updates on the User Settings window when logged in as a PW MAINT user.

(Deltek Tracking Number: 2097952)

Field Log Reports to Include Attachments

You can now include attachments when generating a Field Log report. This allows you to have a visual reference to all the information submitted from ComputerEase Field.

The "Include Attachments" field has been added to the Field Log report options. To generate this report, go to Document Management > Field Logs > Reports > Field Log Report - Single/Multiple.

(Deltek Tracking Number: 2110022)

Separate Windows for Creating and Editing Field Logs

Create a Field Log and Edit a Field Log are now separate windows. Previously, the two tasks were under Work on a Field Log. This feature makes it easy for you to distinguish whether you are creating a new field log or editing an existing one.

The Edit a Field Log window contains the following fields: Job, Date, Field Log Type, and User. In addition, when editing a field log, the source and the username are displayed on the title bar of the window.

To create or edit a field log, go to Document Management > Field Logs > Create a Field Log/Edit a Field Log. To enable access to these features, edit a user's settings by selecting Programs > Project Management > Document Management > Create a Field Log/Edit a Field Log/Field Log Management Center on the User Settings window when logged in as a PW MAINT user.

(Deltek Tracking Number: 2097975)

Field Log Updates to Support Field

Numerous updates are made to Field Logs to improve the user experience in both Field and ComputerEase, including syncing of field names, longer user-defined fields, printing enhancements, and numerous UI improvements for ease of use.

Desktop Field Logs

The overall look of the view is improved, with the ability to assign User Defined Fields to a particular section.

Additionally, the following sections were updated with UI and printing improvements:
  • Weather Information
  • Employees Section
  • Subcontractors
  • Material
  • Equipment
  • Visitors
  • Additional Information (formerly User Fields)
Each section was updated with printing improvements, including the following:
  • Section headers
  • User-configured section order
  • User Defined Fields in user-assigned sections and order.
  • Enhanced Comments area allowing up to 999 characters for maximum visibility when printing, including text wrapping.
These changes are reflected in Field Log Report - Single and Field Log Report - Multiple.

Any additional changes by section are detailed below.

Weather Section

The following UI changes were made for ease of use:
  • Added Comments field for use with Field and Desktop.
Employees Section

The following UI changes were made for ease of use:
  • Added Cost Code, Phase, and Category for use with Field and Desktop.
  • Moved the Comments field below each Employee line and indented the field so that the comments begin in line with the Employee Name.
  • Relabeled "Time In" and "Time Out" to "Start Time" and "End Time".
Subcontractors Section

The following UI changes were made for ease of use:
  • Added Cost Code, Phase, and Category for use with Field and Desktop.
  • Moved the Comments field below each Subcontractor line and indented the field so that the comments begin in line with the Name.
  • Relabeled "Men" to "Worker Count".
  • Relabeled "Time In" and "Time Out" to "Start Time" and "End Time".
Material Section

The following UI change was made for ease of use:
  • The amount for the Quantity field allows for up to four decimals spaces and can display much larger values, eliminating the need to split quantity entries.
Equipment Section

The following UI changes were made for ease of use:
  • Moved the Comments field below each Equipment line and indented the field so that the comments begin in line with the Equipment Name.
  • Added Equipment Cost Code and Cost Code Description.
  • Added Cost Code, Phase, and Category for use with Field and Desktop.
User Fields Section

The following UI changes were made for ease of use:
  • Relabeled as "Additional Information".
  • Added Equipment Cost Code and Cost Code Description.
  • Added Cost Code, Phase, and Category for use with Field and Desktop.
Productivity Section (New)

Added a new section for use with Field and Desktop. This tab allows you to enter Productivity details that include Cost Code, Phase, Category, New Units Completed, Cost to Finish, and Percent Complete, which can update Job Cost Production.  

Editing Field-Generated Field Logs

As a Field User, if an office employee edited my Field Log submission, the changes will be updated to Field.
  • Desktop deletion of an entire Field Log created by Field is not allowed.
  • Individual Field Log records generated through Field may be edited, but not deleted.

Field Log Users

Automatic Time and Equipment Import Setting

Previously, Field Log users had to manually import Time and Equipment data into Field Logs. Select new checkboxes for Automatic Time Import and Automatic Equipment Import to import the data automatically. The default for both options is Yes.

Communicate Field Logs to the Desktop

Field Log users can now enter Field Logs through field and then sync them to the Desktop.

Longer User Defined Fields

Field Log screens now display properly on the desktop, including longer specified User Defined Fields/values, via stacking or text wrapping.

Comments Field Extended

The Comment field on all Field Log Sections in Entry and Edit screens is now extended to 999 characters to allow for more thorough entries. A portion of the comment is displayed and clicking on the Icon provides an expanded editable view of the text.

Field Log User and Source Logging

Field and Desktop Field Logs now track the User who created the Log and the method (source) they used to create it. This feature allows multiple users to create and submit Field Logs for the same job and for a single Field Log Type.

Management Center

Filters in the Management Center

In the Management Center, you can now filter entries by User or Source to more easily see entries by person or entry.

New Functionality in Management Center

Updates to the Management Center include the following:
  • Created By [User Name] - New column allows you to see who created a Field Log from Desktop (ComputerEase username) or Field (Field username).
  • Source - New column identifies the method that created the Field Log. Values can be Field, FieldEase, or Desktop.
  • For FieldEase Field Logs, the Batch column was removed as the batch is now combined with the Source.
If user permissions allow, newly submitted Field-generated Field Logs will automatically import when opening the Management Center. The Created By and Source fields will display in boldface to indicate that they are newly loaded and not yet viewed.

Management Center Download Permissions

System administrators can limit a user's ability to download newly submitted Field Logs. To do this, edit a user's settings by selecting Programs > Project Management > Document Management > New Field Log Download and Notifications on the User Settings window when logged in as a PW MAINT user.

Integration of Desktop and Field

Equipment Code Information

Equipment Code information sharing between Field and desktop is improved. Equipment Code information is now included on relevant reports.

Field Name Consistency

We have updated some UI components in the Desktop Field Log for consistency with Field, and to help you better identify what the information is, as well as help you correlate and communicate with Field users.

The following changes are made:
  • In Field Log Type Maintenance, the Sections/Tabs header is updated to Enable and Order Sections. The Enable User Fields option is updated to Additional Information (User Defined Fields).
  • In Access Groups, Field Log Types on the landing page is updated to Field Logs. The Filter fields are updated to From Type and To Type.
Desktop Edits of Field Logs

Edits made in Field Logs by office/desktop employees are now reflected in Field. This includes updates made in the following sections: Employees, Equipment, Material, Notes, Productivity, Subcontractors, Visitors, and Weather. Note that Attachments added in Desktop will not sync to Field.

Document Management Users

Document Management Menu Changes

We have improved the Document Management menu so that different items have their own sections so that it is quicker and easier to find them.

The main sections now include:
  • Document Manager - Includes: Work on Documents, View Documents, Reports, and Maintenance Programs.
  • Field Logs - Includes: Create a Field Log, Edit a Field Log, Field Log Management Center, Field Log Production Updates, Import Field Logs from FieldEase, Reports, and Maintenance Programs.
  • Punch Lists - Includes: Work on Punch Lists, Punch List Management Center, and Reports.
  • Meeting Minutes - Includes: Work on Meeting Minutes (replace Enter with Work on), Print Meeting Minutes, Meeting Items History Report, and Meeting Item Group Maintenance (rename Edit Meeting Item Groups)
  • User Reports

Field Log Administrator

Extend User Defined Field

Field Administrators can now add more characters in User Defined fields, up to 50 characters. This enables Field Log users to more easily identify the required input.

For example, you can update User Defined Fields in Vendor Maintenance, Employee Maintenance, and Field Log Maintenance.

Limit the Types of Logs End Users Can Access

Field Log Administrator can now limit the types of Logs end users can use in Field.

Collect and Store Creation Date and Time for Field Logs

Field Log Administrators are now able to order the Sections they have configured in Field Type Maintenance.

To configure the screen layout, ensure Section Order from Field Type Maintenance is sent to the API.

Create, Collect, and Store Creation Date and Time

Previously, Field Log creation information was collected in Field. However, office administrators also need to track Desktop Field Log Creation.
  • When creating a new Field Log in the Desktop, record the Creation Date and Time.
  • Field Logs created in FieldEase will not collect Creation Date and Time.
Access Control to Field Logs

Field Logs can now be added as an option in Roles that controls access to the module. This is done within Makedisk.

Control Screen Layout

Field Administrators can now control the order of information displayed in Field Log Types and Fields within the app for an improved user experience.

For Document Management and Field Log Type Maintenance, you are now able to do the following:
  • Specify the order of the "Sections" as they will appear in Field Log Entry and Reports.
  • Drag and Drop functionality to define order.
  • Provide messaging next to or under Move buttons.
(Deltek Tracking Number: 1876252)

Software Issues Resolved

This section includes software issues resolved in this release.


Field Log Report Missing Category Name
When printing a Field Log Report for a job that was category only, the Category ID displayed but the Category Name was missing.
Defect: 2221185

Field Time Included in Multiple Access Groups with Different Filters
When exporting Revenue codes using the filter for the access group, all equipment codes, including Field Time, were included, even if another access group included Cost to Own and Cost to Operate.
Defect: 2169632

Utah State Tax Table Maintenance Has Fields on the Main Tab That Belong to Other Tabs
When viewing the Main tab of the Utah State Tax Table Maintenance, fields that were for the Single and Married tabs were displayed on it.
Defect: 2165996


Error When Deleting Payroll Data If Third Party Pay Existed
When deleting data in payroll while third party pay statements existed, an error was thrown.
Defect: 2205735

Sick Leave Disallow Option Allows Check to Be Printed
When setting up a sick or vacation leave rule and selected "Disallow" under "Maximum Hours Used per Year", the system printed a check if you were over the maximum.
Defect: 2198567

Document Management

Changing Dates on Submittal Items Clears Out Other Dates
When changing dates on the Submittal Items view, other date fields sometimes cleared out.
Defect: 2194580


Carriage Returns Caused Issues When Exporting Qtool to Excel
When pasting data into a text field from another application, unseen carriage returns were saved, causing QTool report formatting to be off when exported to Excel.
Defect: 2192889