Shortcut Menu

Right-click the Spreadsheet pane to display the available commands and options that you can use in Spreadsheet pane.

Option Description

Add Control Account

Click this option to display the Add Control Account dialog box, which you use to create a new control account.

Add Work Package

Click this option to display the Add Work Package dialog box, which you use to create a new work package.

Assign Resource

Click this option to display the Add Resource Assignment dialog box, which you use to add resource assignment to a control account or work package.


Click this option to delete the selected control account or work package.


Click this option to rename the selected control account or work package.


Click this option to rename the selected control account or work package.

Copy To

Click this option to create a new control account or work package using a copy of the selected control account or work package. Cobra deletes the selected control account or work package after the move is completed.

Copy View to Excel

Click this option to copy the content of the Spreadsheet pane in Microsoft Excel format.


  • Import — Click this option to launch the Assignment Import wizard.
  • Export — Click this option to launch the Assignment Export wizard.

Update EAC

Click this option to update the forecast for a control account or work package manually. This option is available only if you selected Hours, Currency, or Hours and Currency in the Forecast section of the Preferences tab of the Project Properties dialog box.


Click this option to copy the contents of the selected cell in the Spreadsheet pane.


Click this option to paste copied information to the selected cell in the Spreadsheet pane.


Click this option to display the Find dialog box, which you use to find a control account name or description in the Spreadsheet pane.


Click this option to refresh the project. The project is refreshed using the data stored on the database.


Click this option to Display the Project Properties dialog box for the project.