Settings Page of the New Project Wizard

Use this page to specify the level at which you want to capture actual costs, the method to use when spreading  budget costs, and the currency symbol that you want to use.

If you are copying a project from an existing project or using the default project template, the settings on this page are entered according to the existing project or default template.


Field Description
Level at which to capture actual costs Your options are:
  • Control Account — Cobra loads the actual costs only at the control account level.
  • Work Package — Cobra loads the actual costs only at the work package level.
  • Both Control Account & Work Package — Cobra loads the actual costs at both the control account and work package levels.

Spread weight options

Use this group box to specify how you want to spread budget costs.

Field Description
Linear weight Select this option to put equal budget amounts into each period between the start and finish dates.

For example, assume that the work package schedule dates are 06/25/14-07/31/14, the work package has a budget of 200 hours, and that the fiscal calendar attached to the project has 176 and 168 working hours for June and July, respectively. Using the Linear weight option instructs Cobra to enter 100 hours for June and 100 hours for July.

Weight using hours Select this option to weigh the budget spread according to the hours found in the calendar and the start and finish dates.

For example, assume that the work package schedule dates are 06/25/14-07/31/14 and the work package has a budget of 200 hours. Using the Weight using hours option instructs Cobra to enter 34.65 hours for June and 165.35 hours for July.

Weight using working days Select this option to weigh the budget spread according to the number of working days within the start and finish dates, taking holidays into account.

For example, assume that the work package schedules dates are 06/25/14-07/31/14 and the work package has a budget of 200 hours. Using the Weight using work days option instructs Cobra to enter 40 hours for June and 160 hours for July.

Currency symbol Enter the currency symbol for the project. Cobra uses this symbol in Project views and reports. By default, the symbol appears to the left of the currency values. Select the Show the symbol on the right option to change the location of the currency symbol.