Round off Audit Log Transactions

Cobra allows you to round up project audit transactions amount for existing and new projects to 6 decimal places using the Round audit log transactions to 6 decimal places option.

This option can be configured in the following areas of Cobra:
  • Other tab of the Application Preferences dialog box
  • Project Preferences tab of the Project Properties dialog box
Enabling this option allows Cobra to make log adjustments depending on the log level (control account, work package, or resource assignment). The application preferences value takes precedence over the project preferences value. However, you can only change this option once.
  • This option is automatically selected or turned on for new projects created using the following:
    • New Project wizard (whether or not you select the Copy defaults from project option on the General Information page)
    • Integration wizard (by selecting the Create a new project option on the Project Selection page)
    • Save As dialog box (by selecting the Copy Project Data option)
    • Restore (whether you restore a project to its original name or to a different name)
  • For existing projects, Cobra rounds up audit transaction values to two decimal places only. Use this option to allow Cobra you to round up project audit transactions amount to 6 decimal places.
  • For master projects, you have to turn on this option for the master project and for each subproject.
  • For existing projects, make sure to run the Project Audit Reconcile process after you select this option to add adjusting entries to the log and fix any changes in values caused by the change in the level of precision. For master projects, you must run the Project Audit Reconcile process to each subproject. If you fail to reconcile project logs and then run a process, Cobra will add adjusting entries and update budget entries even though those entries are not included as part of the process.