Report Parameters

You can use report parameters to determine the pages that are displayed on the Report wizard, the available fields on the Report wizard pages, and the default selections assigned to these fields. In addition, you can use these parameters with the report template tags to define the style and output of the report.

Use the Report Definition tab of the Report Properties dialog box to pass a number of parameters to the report engine. The report displays some of the parameters, such as AggregationResults and DisplayDataWorksheets, which control a number of aspects in reporting. Some of the parameters, such as ApplyCellFormat, control how much data is displayed in the template.

The types of parameters are:

  • Report Content Parameters: These parameters control the appearance and contents of the report.
  • Report Criterion Parameters: These parameters specify the selections when a page in the Report wizard is disabled.
  • Report Options: These parameters control whether report criteria are printed at the bottom of a report.
  • Report Wizard Parameters: These parameters control the behavior of the Report wizard.

Copy the contents displayed on the Report Definition tab to Notepad and make your edits. Using Notepad, you can search for the parameters, control the word wrap, and so on. Then copy and paste the contents back into the Report Definition tab.

Note: Boolean values are represented as 0 (false) and 1 (true) in the parameters of the XML document.