Register the Gateway in Windows Services

Perform this procedure to register the gateway in Windows Services.

To register the gateway in Windows Services:

  1. Configure the endpoints in the application configuration file using the Cobra Web Service Gateway Configuration Tool.
  2. Launch the Command Prompt, and select Run as administrator.
  3. Enter the following command:
    “<Cobra folder>\Cobra.WebService.Gateway.Host.exe” –install
  4. Close the Administrator Command Prompt window.
  5. Launch the Windows Services Manager (Services MMC).
  6. Locate the Cobra Web Service Gateway service, right-click, and select Properties.
  7. On the Log On tab, specify the dedicated Windows Domain Account in the This account field.
  8. Close the Properties window.
  9. Restart the “Cobra Web Service Gateway” service in Windows Services.
  10. Check whether or not the host is running in the Windows Services.
    Browse the Gateway Endpoint Address from Cobra Web Service Gateway Configuration Tool but remove the /service.
    For example: If the tool displays http://COBPROCSER:8108/CWSGateway/service, navigate to http://COBPROCSER:8108/Gateway.
    If the host is running, the page that displays confirms that you have created a service and provides details on how to test the service. If a page does not display, the host is either not configured correctly, the port might be blocked by the Windows fire wall, or the service is not running in the Windows Services.