Process Lock

Cobra creates a process lock when you run certain processes. Process locks control whether multiple users can perform the same processes simultaneously.

During a process lock:

  • You can start a process when another user has the program already open.
  • The process gets a shared lock on the program.
  • The process cannot start if there is an exclusive lock on the program, or if the project is being edited (that is, the Save and Undo buttons on the toolbar are enabled). If Project Locking is set to Control Account, the process will start even while a project is being edited.
  • Cobra repeats an attempt to create a process lock up to the maximum number of retries that is defined on the Data Access tab of the Application Preferences dialog box. Between lock attempts, the application waits for the retry interval.

Cobra creates a process lock when you perform the following:

  • Advancing the calendar
  • Exporting ANSI EIA X12
  • Performing apportionment calculations
  • Calculating progress
  • Copying a project
  • Freezing a forecast
  • Importing actual costs
  • Moving a control account
  • Copying a control account
  • Renaming a control account
  • Moving a work package
  • Copying a work package
  • Renaming a work package
  • Turning the project audit on for the first time
  • Resetting the baseline using the Project Audit wizard
  • Updating transaction logs
  • Reconciling project logs
  • Editing the project audit log
  • Turning the project audit off
  • Recalculating costs
  • Reclassing a class
  • Performing a project replan
  • Importing resource assignment
  • Respreading the budget
  • Running the rolling wave
  • Saving to new master project
  • Preparing for a schedule integration
  • Slipping a project
  • Performing top-down planning
  • Updating EAC
  • Updating totals
  • Updating codes
  • Performing validity check