Logging of Memory Usage Details

Enabling the LogMemoryUsage option provides information to assist Deltek with troubleshooting issues relating to high memory consumption of the Cobra service on the application server.

Take note of the following when using the LogMemoryUsage option:
  • You can enable or disable the option without restarting the Cobra service on the application server. The option value will take effect within a minute.
  • Enabling the option will potentially result in a lot of additional entries being recorded in the log file. Deltek recommends that you periodically monitor the size of the log file (at least once a day) to ensure it does not grow too large. Disable the option to prevent further memory usage logging.
  • Deltek recommends to test the changes to the ServerService.exe.config file in a test environment first before enabling the option in a production environment. Although enabling or disabling this option does not require restarting of the Cobra service, an incorrectly formatted ServerService.exe.config file can cause the Cobra service to fail.