Loading Actual Cost Records from a Database Table

If you want to load actual cost records from a database table, you must first create connection to a database that contains the actual cost records.

Take note of the following:
  • The database table name that contains the actual cost records can be any valid database table name that the database user has read access to. To avoid potential conflicts, use a table name that relates to your company name, for example: <CompanyName>_ACT.
  • The data types in your database table should match the ones being used by Cobra. Generally, WBS, OBS, CA3 and Resource columns should use Character type, while the Result column (such as Hours or Direct) should use the Numeric type. However, this depends on the format of the data used.
    Attention: See Data Formats for more information.
  • Use the Integration wizard pages to create or edit the connection to the database that contains the actual cost records you are going to import.
    Attention: See Integration Wizard — Actual Costs for more information.

Using the Integration Wizard

Take note of the following: