Import File Preparation

A typical import file contains the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS), Resource, Hours, Direct, Overhead (OH), and General & Administration (G&A) costs.

However, Cobra does not require you to provide all control account fields when loading actual costs. All you need is a means of uniquely identifying a control account or work package (depending on the level at which you collect actual costs). For example, if your charge number is a code on the control account, you can simply supply that code value in an import file and Cobra will provide the WBS and OBS information needed to load the import file. In addition, you can choose to ignore empty fields during an import file definition. When loading actual costs into a master project, you have the option to include the project name of each sub-project. If you include a sub-project that contains the same control account fields as another included sub-project, Cobra adds a unique identifier to one set of control account fields.

To load costs using an import file, use the options in the Included Costs Page of the Integration Wizard.