Filter and Sort Page of the Report Wizard

Use this dialog box to define the filters and sorts to use on the report you selected.

Note: The Sort field and Manage Sorts button are enabled only when an ancillary data report is selected.

The following are the ancillary reports: Codes, Rates, Resource Calculations, and Resource codes. If you select a recently generated report from the Report menu, Cobra will set the default values for the filter and sort fields to the ones that were selected when you last generated the report.


Field Description

Filters limit the data on the report to a file type that you select - rate, code, resource, calendar, or project. Click to select a filter for the report.

Manage Filters

Click this button to create, edit, copy, or delete a filter.


Sorts determine the sequence in which the data displays, in either ascending or descending order. Click to select a sort for the report.

Manage Sorts

Click this button to create, edit, copy, or delete a sort.