Example Rate File

This topic further explains a rate file example.

Both rate files include two rate sets: ENG and CHEM. The ENG rate sets in both rate files have the same dates but different rates, as do the CHEM rate sets.

When you create the resources, you specify that the Engineer resource should use the ENG rate set, and the Chemical Engineer should use the CHEM rate set.

When Cobra needs to perform budget calculations for the Engineer, the system looks for the ENG rate set in the Budget Rate file. When Cobra needs to perform calculations for new scope, the system looks for the ENG rate set in the Modification Rate file. The same applies for the Chemical Engineer.

When you create the resources, you specify that the Engineer resource should use the ENG rate set, and the Chemical Engineer should use the CHEM rate set. When you add the resource to a work package, you indicate the class (for example, Modifications.)

When Cobra needs to perform budget calculations for the Engineer, the system looks for the ENG rate set in the Budget Rate file. When Cobra needs to perform calculations for new scope, the system looks for the ENG rate set in the Modification Rate file. The same applies for the Chemical Engineer.