Edit Exported Data in Excel

Use the this procedure to edit a CSV file in Excel. This ensures that no numeric conversions occur, which minimizes the possibility of error when importing the data again later.

To edit a CSV file in Excel, complete the following steps:

  1. Open a blank workbook.
  2. On the Excel menu, do one of the following:
    • In Excel 2003, click Data > Import External Data > Import Data.

    • In Excel 2007, click Data > Get External Data from Text.

  3. Open the text file that you want to import. The Text Import Wizard displays.
  4. On the Text Import Wizard — Step 1 of 3 page, select Delimited.
  5. If the data contains a header row and you do not want to see the header row in Excel, change the Start import at row field to 2. Click Next.
  6. On the Text Import Wizard — Step 1 of 2 page, click Comma and Next.
  7. On the Text Import Wizard — Step 1 of 3 page, select all columns shown in the Data preview and click Text.
  8. Click Next. Excel prompts you for the location of the new data, which defaults to Sheet 1, cell A1.