Change Management Tags

The table below lists the Change Management tags for Cobra.

Entity Property Description
ChangeManagement.Amount Amount
ChangeManagement.Auw Authorized Unpriced Work
ChangeManagement.Cbb Contract Budget Base
ChangeManagement.Ccn Contract Change Number
ChangeManagement.Comment Comment
ChangeManagement.Credit Credit budget source (for example, DB or UB)
ChangeManagement.Ctc Contract Target Cost
ChangeManagement.Db Distributed Budget
ChangeManagement.Debit Debit budget source (for example, DB or UB)
ChangeManagement.FullId Control Account Id or Work Package Id
ChangeManagement.IsCcnTotal Boolean value that indicates if the current row represents a group for a Contract Change Number.

Use this property in a PrintIf condition to display a group header.

ChangeManagement.IsPeriodDateTotal Boolean value that indicates if the current row represents a group for a Period Date.

Use this property in a PrintIf condition to display a group header.

ChangeManagement.IsTotal Boolean value that indicates if the current row represents a group for a Contract Change Number.

This property has been superseded by the IsCcnTotal property. It is still supported but new reports should use the IsCcnTotal property.

ChangeManagement.Mr Management Reserve
ChangeManagement.Ot Over Target Baseline
ChangeManagement.PeriodDate Period Date
ChangeManagement.Refno Reference Number
ChangeManagement.Tstamp Time Stamp
ChangeManagement.Ub Undistributed Budget
ChangeManagement.UserId User