Baseline Tags

The table below lists the Baseline tags for Cobra.

Entity Property Description
Baseline.Auw Authorized Unpriced Work
Baseline.Comment Comment
Baseline.Ctc Contract Target Cost
Baseline.Date Date
Baseline.Db Distributed Budget
Baseline.Eac Forecast
Baseline.Fee Fee
Baseline.Label Label
Baseline.Mr Management Reserve
Baseline.ProjectId Project
Baseline.Refno Reference No.
Baseline.Ub Undistributed Budget
BaselineDetail.Amount Amount
BaselineDetail.Hours Hours
BaselineDetail.PeriodDate Period Date
BaselineDetail.ProjectId Project
BaselineDetail.Refno Reference No.
BaselineHistory.Acwp ACWP
BaselineHistory.AcwpHours ACWPHours
BaselineHistory.Bac BAC
BaselineHistory.BacHours BACHours
BaselineHistory.Bcwp BCWP
BaselineHistory.BcwpHours BCWPHours
BaselineHistory.Bcws BCWS
BaselineHistory.BcwsHours BCWSHours
BaselineHistory.CaWpUid CAWP Uid
BaselineHistory.Eac Forecast
BaselineHistory.EacHours EACHours
BaselineHistory.PeriodDate Period Date
BaselineHistory.ProjectId Project
BaselineLog.Amount Amount
BaselineLog.Ca1Id CA1Id
BaselineLog.Ca2Id CA2Id
BaselineLog.Ca3Id CA3Id
BaselineLog.Ccn Contract Change Number
BaselineLog.Comment Comment
BaselineLog.ControlAccountFormatted Control Account Id
BaselineLog.Cpr3 CPR 3
BaselineLog.Credit Credit
BaselineLog.Debit Debit
BaselineLog.PeriodDate Period Date
BaselineLog.ProjectId Project
BaselineLog.Refno Reference No.
BaselineLog.ResourceId Resource
BaselineLog.TransactionDate The date the change was made.
BaselineLog.Tstamp Time Stamp
BaselineLog.Significant Indicates that the log entry was a significant change for the IPMR CPR Format 3 report.
BaselineLog.UserId User
BaselineLog.WpId WPId