You can adjust budget spreads manually in the Time-phase pane or Time-phase Detail pane of the Project view.
To adjust budget spreads manually, complete the following steps:
Display the Project view of the project you are updating.
In the Spreadsheet pane, select a resource assignment.
In the Time-phase pane or Time-phase Detail pane, adjust the spread by modifying either the percentage or the value of the first result for the desired periods.
To reconcile the updated spread with the current budget cost, select a period containing the value or percentage to adjust, and do one of the following:
- Click
in the
Assignments group.
- Click the Reconcile button in the Time-phase Detail pane.
Cobra puts the reconciled difference in the selected period.
When the total value (TOTAL column) for a resource assignment result changes, Cobra displays the Spread dialog box, where you can specify how the new value should be spread.