SQL Command Utility Supported Parameters

This table lists the supported parameters for the SQL Command Utility.

Parameter Description
%cam This parameter returns the current Control Account Manager (CAM). If the project is open, this parameter returns the CAM for the currently selected control account or work package in the Spreadsheet pane of the Project view.
%c: This parameter returns the current CA/WP code. If the project is open, this parameter returns the code at the specified CA/WP code assignment location for the currently selected control account or work package in the Spreadsheet pane of the Project view.

Example: %c1, %c2

%cawpid This parameter returns the current CA/WP ID. If the project is open, this parameter returns the CA/WP ID for the currently selected control account or work package in the Spreadsheet pane of the Project view.
%c This parameter returns the current code. If the code file is open, this parameter returns the currently selected code in the Codes grid of the Code view.
%ca This parameter returns the current Control Account. If the project is open, this parameter returns the currently selected control account in the Spreadsheet pane of the Project view.
%F This parameter returns the current file.
%FT This parameter returns the current file type.
%P This parameter returns the current project. If the project is open or you are currently in the Explorer view and the Projects pane is displayed, this parameter returns the currently selected project.
%REP This parameter returns the current report. If you are currently in the Explorer view and the All Reports or Personal Reports pane is displayed, this parameter returns the currently selected report.
%r This parameter returns the current resource file. If the resource file is open, this parameter returns the currently selected resource file in the Resource grid of the Resource view.
%ra This parameter returns the current resource assignment. If the project is open, this parameter returns the currently selected resource assignment in the Spreadsheet pane of the Project view.
%U This parameter returns the current user ID.
%wp This parameter returns the current work package. If the project is open, this parameter returns the currently selected work package in the Spreadsheet pane of the Project view.
? This parameter returns dynamic prompt. Dynamic prompts may contain a string or a sentence after the keyword.

Example: ?project, ?"Please enter a Project", ?'Please enter a Project'

%? This parameter returns dynamic prompt . Dynamic prompts may contain a string or a sentence after the keyword.

Example: %?project, %?"Please enter a Project", %?'Please enter a Project'

<RDBKEYNAME> This parameter returns the Ideablade data source.
<LOGDIR> This parameter returns the log directory.
<MYDOCDIR> This parameter returns the My Documents directory.