Primavera Fields Imported

This topic describes the fields imported by Cobra from Primavera.

Schedule Dates

  • ReStart and ReEnd — These dates from the Primavera TASK table are used unless these fields are NULL. If these fields are NULL, Cobra uses the Target (original) dates.
  • The following fields are imported if you select the baseline date: TARGET_START_DATE, TARGET_END_DATE, TARGET_QTY (Budgeted Labor Units) and TARGET_COST fields from the TASKRSRC table.
  • If you select Budget Quantity, the following fields are imported:

    TARGET_QTY — This field is used for labor resources.

    TARGET_COST — This field is used for labor resources if the TARGET_QTY is 0.

    TARGET_COST — This field is used for material and equipment resources.

  • If you select Budget Cost values, all of the resource values are imported from the TARGET_COST field.
  • AtCompletionCost/AtCompletionUnits — These fields are spread between the Start and Finish dates if you use Primavera API.

Baseline Dates

  • Target (original) start and end dates — These fields are used if you use Primavera 6.x.
  • PlannedCost and PlannedUnits — These fields are spread between the PlannedStart and PlannedFinish fields if you use the API.

    Selecting baseline dates does not imply that Cobra selects dates from the baseline project. To select dates from the baseline project, you must select the baseline project from the Project Selection page of the Integration wizard.