Work Package Name Page of the Replan Wizard

Use the Work Package Name page of the Replan wizard to enter a name and description for the new work package that the Replan process will create.


Field Description
Work Package Enter a name for the new work package(s). Choose whether the new name will be applied as a prefix or a suffix to the existing work package name.

If only one work package is created due to actual costs being collected at the control account level, Cobra disables the Prefix and Suffix options and uses the name that you provide as the new name of the work package.

When naming new work packages, you should consider how they will be ordered in the list of work packages for future replans. For example, if you want to have replanned work packages at the bottom of the list because they are already closed, you should name them in a manner that will put them at the bottom of the list alphanumerically. In addition, if you intend to perform more than one replan during the life of the project, you should not use the name Replan for new work packages.

Description Enter a description for the new work packages.