Set the TODATE Period

Cobra uses the date labeled as TODATE in calendar set 18 to determine the project status date when you set up a project.

As the project advances, you must advance the calendar for each date in the base fiscal calendar until the project concludes. You can change the status date in a calendar by assign the TODATE label to a specific period.

To set the TODATE period, complete the following steps:

  1. Display the Calendar view of the calendar file that you want to update and select the Calendar Sets tab.
  2. In the Select Calendar Set pane, select Calendar Set 18.
  3. In the Calendar Set pane, select the period that you want to tag as the TODATE period and take one of the following actions:
    • In the Calendars group on the Calendar Edit tab, click Set Todate.
    • Right-click the period and select Set Todate on the shortcut menu.
    A message displays asking if you want make the selected period the TODATE period.
  4. Click Yes and on the Quick Access Toolbar to save your changes..