Options Page of the Advance Calendar Wizard

Use this page to select the options for advancing the calendar assigned to a project.


Field Description
Automatically change the status of LOE Work Package to in-progress The default option for this check box depends on whether the corresponding option is selected on the Preferences tab of the Project Properties dialog box.

If this option is marked as Secure on the Preferences tab of the Project Properties dialog box, Cobra disables this check box for users who do not have access rights to the preferences for this project.

If this check box is not selected, Cobra ignores the status date and the actual start date for the work package will not change.

Skip rolling wave processing Select this check box to advance the calendar without running the rolling wave process. By default, this check box is cleared.

This option is disabled if there is no rolling wave calendar assigned to the project.

Expanded Data Window Cobra disables the Expanded Data Window group box on this page if:
  • There is no rolling wave calendar assigned to the project.
  • The user does not have the authority to run the rolling wave process.
  • The calendar is not advancing across period end dates.

Rolling Wave Calendar

The following options are disabled if there is no rolling wave calendar assigned to the project:

  • Periods prior to status date — Use this option to enter the number of periods prior to the status date that you want to expand. The default value is 1 period prior to the status date.
  • Periods following status date — Use this option to enter the number of periods following the status date that you want to expand. The default value is 3 periods after the status date.
  • Update the rate sets used with FTE result codes — Select this option to update rate sets used with the result code F. This allows full-time equivalents (FTEs) to be calculated correctly when looking at sub-periods versus period data.

    You can update FTE rate sets even if you do not have write access to the rate file as long as you have permission to advance the calendar.