Manual Forecasts

If you are using a manual forecast, you can use the Reclass utility to copy the budget to the forecast. The Reclass process automatically identifies the level of the forecast class, as well as the date set used by the forecast, to update the new forecast and dates.

If you intend to use the Retain EAC/Scale EAC method, you should use the Reclass process to copy the budget to the forecast before you load any actual costs into the project. Once the actual costs have been loaded, the EAC value found in the control account/work package pane of the Project view includes the actual cost. The samples\script folder includes a query called SetEACtoBAC.sql that you can use to automatically update the EAC value to equal the BAC value.

Manual forecasts use either of two forecasting methods:

  • Manual (Retain ETC) — Each time you advance the calendar and calculate the forecast, Cobra deletes the forecast in the periods before the status date. If the forecast dates for the work package have changed, the time-phased forecast is moved within those dates and the results recalculated to account for rate escalation. Forecast is recalculated using the current rates, except where there is no adjustment or movement required to forecast dates or spreads.
  • Manual (Retain EAC) — Cobra performs the same actions as in Manual (Retain ETC). Then Cobra adjusts the forecast so that the EAC value on the control account or work package is retained. This process is performed by resource; thus, if actual costs come in for a resource that is not currently in the forecast, the EAC increases.
  • Scale Retain EAC — This method is used in conjunction with the Manual (Retain EAC) and run after performing the Recalc process. This method adjusts the value of the forecast so that the total work package or control account EAC matches the value displayed in the Spreadsheet pane of the Project view.