Edit Connection Dialog Box of the Integration Wizard — Primavera

Use the Edit Connection dialog box of the Integration wizard to modify a connection for importing data from Primavera.


Field Description
Connection Name

This field allows you to enter a name for the new connection. The connection name must be unique and must not exceed 59 characters.

Connection Properties

This group box allows you to enter the connection properties for the type of configuration you selected. The following are the connection properties for Primavera:

Field Description
Cobra database

Use this option if Primavera shares a database with Cobra.

Note: If Cobra and Primavera do not use the same database, you must specify the username and password information of the Windows data source used to connect to the Primavera database.
Data Source

Use this option to select the Windows data source used to connect to the Primavera database. The drop-down list displays the defined ODBC data sources.

User name

Enter the user name required to connect to the selected data source.


Enter the password to connect to the data source you selected.

Connection String

Use this option if you want to use a connection string to connect to the schedule data source. If you enter the password as part of the connection string, Cobra remembers the value and encrypts it when it is saved in the connection file.

Load Daily time-phased data

Select this check box if you want Cobra to get the time-phased data from the Primavera database using the API.

Primavera User

Enter the user name that has rights to use the API for loading time-phased data. This field is enabled when the Load Daily time-phased data check box is selected.

Note: The user specified for the integration API must be a Primavera user who has been given Named User rights to the Integration API. The Integration API database connection must be set up using the API tools before it can be used.

Enter the password to be authorized to use the API for loading time-phased data. This field is enabled when the Load Daily time-phased data check box is selected.

Primavera API locaton

Click to select the path where the API file is located. This field is enabled when the Load Daily time-phased data check box is selected.

Note: The path you select must be on the application server and not on the local machine.