Data Anomaly Validations Page of the Validity Check Wizard

Use the Data Anomaly Validations page of the Validity Check wizard to check data anomalies in the project such as orphan and duplicate records.


Field Description
Validate orphan records

Select this check box to check for orphan control account, work package, time-phase, and milestone records in the project. You can also delete orphan records by selecting the Delete orphans check box. You can delete orphan records if you have write permissions to the project.

Cobra performs the following checks when you select this validation option:

  • If you delete a control account, Cobra ensures that there are no orphaned work packages.
  • If you delete a work package, Cobra ensures that there are no orphaned resource assignments.
  • If you delete a work package, Cobra ensures that  there are no orphaned milestones.
  • Cobra checks for orphaned time-phased data.
T-phase has invalid class

Select this check box to validate that each record in the Tphase table has a valid class.

Note: The validity check runs only for the master project selected. The validity check does not run against all the sub projects listed under the master project.