Criteria Page of the Reclass Wizard

Use the Criteria page of the Reclass wizard to select the portion of the project that you want to reclass.


Field Description
Criteria Click the drop-down menu and select one of the following options:
  • Total Project
  • Control Account
  • Work Package
  • WBS
  • OBS
  • WP
  • Resource Assignment
  • Resource
  • Control Account.Location
  • Work Package.Charge Number
  • CAM
  • Work Package Manager
Selection Cobra enables this field if you selected a criterion other than Total Project in the Criteria field. Click to display a dialog box that lists all valid options based on the selected criterion. For example, if you selected Control Account as the criteria, the Control Account Lookup dialog box displays, showing all control accounts used in the selected project.
Include all children This check box is available if you selected a code validated with a code file in the Selection field. Selecting this check box instructs Cobra to run the reclass process against any code assignments with the selected code and its children. For example, if you selected WBS code 1.1 in the Selection field and selected the Include all children option, control accounts and/or work packages with a code assignment of 1.1 or any child codes, such as 1.1.1 and 1.1.2, will be included in the reclass process.