Contracts, CPRS, and Contractors Sections of the XML File

When a project is exported, the project header information is exported to the <Contracts>,  <CPRS>, and <Contractors> sections of the XML file.


Element Parent Element Cobra Field (from Project Information)
CtrName Contractors Contractor
Abbr Contractors Blank
Address Contractors Blank
City Address Location


Element Parent Element Cobra Field (from Project Information)
ContrNum Contracts Contract Number
ContrType Contracts Type
ProgName Contracts Project Name
ProgNum Contracts N/A. Enter 1
ProgType Contracts N/A.  Enter PROD
CtrID Contracts Links back to the Contractors section
SecurityText Contracts N/A. Enter Unclassified
NegCost Contracts Contract Target Cost
TgtPrice Contracts Contract Target Price
TgtFeeDol Contracts Fee ($)
ContrCeiling Contracts Price Ceiling
RDQty Contracts R&D Quantity
ProdQty Contracts Production Quantity
ShareAbove Contracts Share Ratio
ShareBelow Contracts Share Ratio
CprDID Contracts N/A.  Enter 1
ContrStart Contracts Baseline Start
WorkStart Contracts Baseline Start
ContrDefinit Contracts Contract definitization date
CalID Contracts Links back to Calendars section
F3UnitID Contracts CPR Export Only. Links back to Dollars for the Unit section.
F4UnitIDp Contracts CPR Export Only. Links back to Hours or FTEs in the Unit section depending on the Manpower Units selection on the Elements of Cost page.
F4StruID Contracts PR Export Only. Links back to Dollars for the Unit section.


Element Parent Element Cobra Field (from Project Information)
RptStart Cprs Prior period end date
RptEnd Cprs Current project status date
CBB Cprs Contract Budget Baseline
TAB Cprs 0
TgtFeeDol Cprs Fee Dollars
SubmDate Cprs TimeNow
NegCost Cprs Contract Target Cost
AuthUnpr Cprs Authorized Unpriced Work
TgtPrice Cprs Contract Target Price (CTC + Fee)
EstPrice Cprs Forecast Contract Target Price
ContrCeiling Cprs Contract Ceiling
ContrCompl Cprs Contract Completion
CtrEstCompl Cprs Planned Completion
EacMin Cprs Best Case Forecast
EacML Cprs Worst Case Forecast
EacMax Cprs Most Likely Forecast
ShareAbove Cprs Share Ratio
ShareBelow Cprs Share Ratio
PlanCompl Cprs Planned Completion
LastOTB Cprs  
EVMSAppr Cprs EVMS Acceptance Date