Batch Reports Pane Column Definitions

The Personal Reports pane of the Cobra Explorer displays a set of standard columns.

You can change the way columns are displayed by right-clicking a column header and selecting an option from the shortcut menu. You can insert or edit a column in the Batch Reports pane using the Insert Column dialog box and the Edit Column dialog box.

Batch Reports Pane

Column Description
Batch Report This column displays the name of the batch report.
Description This column displays a brief description of the batch report.
Project This column displays the project that the batch report is run against.
Output Type This column displays the output type for the report.
Output Path This column displays the directory where the report is saved.
BatchReport.BatchRepUid This column displays the batch report ID.
BatchReport.IsSubFolder This column indicates whether the output of the included reports is stored in a sub-folder under the output path you defined or not.
BatchReport.Lastupdate This column displays the date when the batch report was last updated.
BatchReport.OutputLocation This column displays the directory where the batch report is saved.
BatchReport.OwnerId This column displays the owner of the batch report.
BatchReport.ProjectId This column displays the project used in the batch report.
BatchReport.Sequence This is used internally by Cobra.
BatchReport.UserId This column displays the individual who is currently accessing the batch report.

Included Reports Pane

Column Description
Report This column displays each report included in the batch report.
Filter This column displays the any filter that is saved with the report.
Sort This column displays any sort that is saved with the report.
Batch Report This column displays the name of the batch report where the report is included.
Filter Shared This column indicates whether the filter used in the included report is shared or not.
Last Update This column displays the date when the included report was last updated.
Line This column displays the report count.
Owner This column displays the owner of the report.
Sequence This is used internally by Cobra.
Sort Shared This column indicates whether the sort used in the included report is shared or not.
User This column displays the individual who is currently accessing the batch report.