Load Capture Analytics Data

Before you can begin using Capture Analytics, you must load the initial set of opportunity data that you want to make available for analysis. After you begin using Costpoint Analytics, you can update the opportunity data as often as necessary. The procedure is the same in both cases.


Before you load the initial set of data, use the Capture Analytics Configuration to specify the configuration settings you want.

After you make all the configuration entries, make sure you click Save Settings for Capture Analytics Data Model Build and that you also click Admin_SaveIcon.png on the QlikView toolbar to save your entries in QlikView.

Important: If you make any changes to the configuration settings, it is very important that you both click Save Settings for Capture Analytics Data Model Build and click Admin_SaveIcon.png on the toolbar to save the current configuration settings before you run the data load process. If you do not do both, the data load may not use the most current configuration settings.

Procedure: Load Opportunity Data Using Load_CRM_Data.bat

To load opportunity data using the Load_CRM_Data.bat file, complete the following steps:

To run any of the .bat files to load data, you must log on to the Capture Analytics server as the DeltekAnalytics user or as another QlikView-licensed user that you have set up. Do not log on as the DeltekAnalyticsCW user to run these batch files.

  1. On the server on which you installed Capture Analytics, go to the <installation location>/Admin folder

  2. Run the Load_CRM_Data.bat file.

This process takes some time. When it is completed, Capture Analytics displays a message that confirms that the data model has been updated with the current GovWin Capture Management data, based on your configuration settings.

Procedure: Load Opportunity Data Using a QlikViewPublisher Task

If your firm purchased QlikView Publisher, you can use a publisher task to load data. If you do not have QlikView Publisher, this option is not available.

To load the opportunity data using a QlikView Publisher task, complete the following steps:

  1. Run QlikView Management Console in one of the following ways:

  2. Click Start » Programs » Deltek Costpoint Analytics » QlikView Management Console.

  3. Run Internet Explorer and go to http://localhost:4780/qemc/default.htm.

  1. Click the Tasks subtab on the Status tab.

  2. Expand QDS@<server name> and Default.

  3. Locate Load Deltek CRM Analytics and click Admin_Run_QVPub_Task.png to the right of the task to run the load process using QlikView Publisher.