Ad Hoc Data Discovery: Example

You want to display opportunities with both unweighted pipeline 1 and unweighted pipeline 2 amounts, grouped by stage.

By default, Capture Analytics does not enable you to analyze both pipeline amounts on the same tab. However, you can do that on the Ad Hoc Data Discovery tab. 


  1. You use the calendar bars to select the analysis period you are interested in.

  2. You select the Detail option under Stage Type in the upper-left corner of the tab.

  3. In Dimensions, you select Stage and Opp Name.

  4. In Metrics, you select Unweighted Pipeline 1 and Unweighted Pipeline 2.

  5. You click fast_change_button.gif  on the title bar of the Ad Hoc Data Discovery table to display it in the pivot table format.


The table displays your detail stages in the Stage column. For each stage in that column, it lists the opportunities currently assigned to that stage in the second column. The metric columns display the two unweighted pipeline amounts associated with each opportunity.
