AOP/Outlook Analysis

In the Organization management context, select the AOP/Outlook Analysis module. In Reports & Actions select A.O.M.3 Organization Budget Cycle Initialization.

Actions you perform here apply to all the org budgets, regardless of where you have navigated to in the org navigation list boxes.

Select a Source Year and a Target Year to begin the initialization. If approved org budgets exist for the target year, some options may not be available.



If approved org budgets exist for the target fiscal year, you will not be allowed to make some changes.

Click Modify to change the Holiday Schedule. Click Select and then Edit to change a holiday.


Click Modify to change the PTO pattern.


Click Update after creating the PTO pattern.


Clone Pool Specifications from source year to target year.

Freeze Employee Specifications from source year to target year.

Click Edit to edit Pool Rates.


Click Edit in the left column to edit Unit base types.


Click Edit in the left column to edit Dollar base types.


Click Edit to open and edit the Org Employee Frozen Rates Table.

Click Edit next to the employee you need to change.


Make the necessary changes and click Update.

Re-cloning the NLab% Specifications is optional, but if you’re going to edit the specifications, you should re-clone them here.

Editing the NLab% Base Setup is also optional.


If you’ve re-cloned the NLab% above, then click Edit to make changes to the NLab% Specifications.



The Organization Budget Cycle Utilities B.O.M.5 is located in the Budget Development module under the Organization management context.

Select a Target Year from the drop-down list.
