Maintain Organization Budget Approvers

To maintain organization budget approvers, complete the following steps:

  1. In Reports & Actions, select M.A.O.3 Maintain Organization Budget Approvers. Since most accounting systems do not have detailed records of an Org./OBS management authority structure, use MAO3 to record those details in the database to support the budgeting process.

  2. Click to open the window.

  1. Click Edit/Delete to change any of the information in this list. The current information for the manager selected appears in the text field below.

  2. Change the Rollup Org ID number and then click Update. The system lets you know the change was made.


  1. To add a new budget approver, select the Rollup Org ID from the drop-down list.

  2. Select a name from the Budget Approver drop-down list. All org budget approvers are also org budget creators.

  3. Click Add New. The application lets you know the list has been updated.

  4. To create budget creators for a particular Org level, select the Budget Creators link in the table opposite the Rollup Org level that’s appropriate.

  1. The Setup Org Budget Creators dialog box for that rollup level opens.

  2. Select the Org ID from the drop-down list.

  3. Select a name from the Budget Creator drop-down list.

  4. Click Add New. The name is added to the field on the left.