Filter by Project

Use the Project list to filter the contents of Projects at Risk Analytics by project. When you display the analytics initially, they display projects at risk data for all of the projects owned by organizations to which you have access.

List Options

Initially, the list contains top-level projects, but you can switch to a list of the risk-level projects that are at risk.

Click in the upper right corner of the list to cycle between the list of top-level projects and the list of risk-level projects.

Available Projects

The projects for which you can analyze data are determined by the organizations to which you are given access in Costpoint Analytics. The filter list includes only active projects (Direct, Inter-Company, and Inter-Co Multi) owned by the organizations to which you have access. (The list could include a currently inactive project if that project was inactivated at some point in the analysis period. However, it would not be included in any data for fiscal periods in which it was inactive.)

The projects in the Project list also depend upon your other selections on the tab. The list only includes projects for which all of the following are true:

As you apply other filter options, Costpoint Analytics updates the Project list so that projects excluded from the analytics by the filters have a gray background and projects that are included by the filters have a white background. In addition, all of the included projects move to the top of the Project list to make it easier for you to review them and select those that you want to focus on.

Select Projects

To focus on one project or a selected group of projects, select those projects in the Project list. When you do, the analytics display risk information only for the selected projects.

If you select a top-level project, all billing-level or revenue-level projects under it that are at risk are included in the analytics data.

If you select one or more projects and then go to another Costpoint Analytics tab for which the project filter option is available, Costpoint Analytics automatically filters those analytics for the same projects.

For general information about making selections in filter lists, see Filter the Analytics: Overview.

To find projects that you want to select...

  1. If necessary, click in the upper right corner of the Projects list to display the list you want: the list of top-level projects or the list of risk-level projects (billing-level or revenue-level projects).

  2. Do either of the following:

To select a single project...

  1. If necessary, click in the upper right corner of the Project list to change the projects displayed from top-level projects to risk-level projects (billing-level or revenue-level projects), or the reverse.

  2. Scroll the list to locate the project, or click in the list title bar to search for it.

  3. Click the project.

To select multiple projects...

  1. If necessary, click in the upper right corner of the Project list to change the projects displayed from top-level projects to risk-level projects (billing-level or revenue-level projects), or the reverse.

  2. Scroll the list to locate the projects, or click in the list title bar to search for them.

  3. If a group of projects you want to select are listed together, click the first project, hold down the left mouse button, and drag the mouse pointer over the other projects.

If the projects you want are not listed together, press the CTRL key as you click each of them.

Clear Selections

To clear individual selections...

  1. If necessary, click in the upper right corner of the Project list to change the projects displayed from top-level projects to risk-level projects (billing-level or revenue-level projects), or the reverse.

  2. Scroll the list to locate the selection that you want to clear, or right-click the list and select Search to search for it.

  3. Press the CTRL key as you click the selected project.

  4. Repeat steps 1 – 3 for each selection you want to clear.

To clear all selections...

  1. Right-click anywhere in the Project list.

  2. Click Clear on the pop-up menu.