This chart displays a summary of the detailed information for non-direct hours or cost. This information is displayed by project type or classification for all Organizations/Reorgs, Managers, Employee GLCs, and Employees that you have access to. The caption for this chart is dynamic based on the selected chart options and selected analysis period. As you change these options, the data refreshes with the updated information. |
In this topicUser Options That Affect the Chart |
If the Non-Direct Breakout chart is not visible, click the Non-Direct Detailed Analysis tab.
The following data displays on this chart:
Chart Item |
Description |
Project Classification/Project Type |
Use the |
You can select different ways to view labor utilization: by Cost or Hours, and by Period or Year-to-Date (YTD).
Cost or Hours
Cost allows you to view the total cost of labor utilization while hours only allows you to view the number of hours charged. These options ensure that each employee can only access the appropriate labor information.
Your security rights determine access to select Cost or Hours. Your system administrator may configure your application to only allow Hours. Contact your system administrator for further information.
Direct labor utilization defaults to Hours when used initially, but you can switch the chart type at any time.
Period or YTD
Period is data for the current analysis period while YTD provides a cumulative, rolling perspective within a given year. For example, February = January + February, March = January + February + March, and so on.
Labor Utilization defaults to YTD when used initially, but you can switch the chart type at any time.
To switch the labor utilization view...
Locate the Utilization % Based On options.
Click Cost or Hours. The selected option's button turns green, and the pertinent information on the charts and tables updates to reflect your selection.
Click Period or YTD. The selected option's button turns green, and the pertinent information on the charts and tables updates to reflect your selection.
The following options on the User Options tab affect this chart:
Budget Type
Org or Reorg
For descriptions of how each option affects Labor Utilization Analytics, see User Options That Affect Labor Utilization.
Click at the top right of the chart
to display the chart at its maximum size. Click
to restore the chart to its original size and location on the tab.
To see the labor utilization for a specific fiscal period, position the mouse pointer over the utilization's trend line that coincides with the vertical grid line for the period. When you do, Costpoint Analytics displays the labor utilization in a data box.
Click to send the data underlying
the chart to Microsoft Excel. More...
In addition to the actions described above, you can also do the following:
Print the chart.
Email the chart.
Export chart data to a CSV file.
Attach a note to the chart.
For more on these actions, see Print, Email, or Export Analytic Data and Attach Notes to Analytics.