The Trending AR with DSO chart displays total AR amounts as of the end date of each of the fiscal periods in your analysis period. Overlaying the AR data is a line chart that displays 90-day DSO values as of the end of each period. |
In this topicUser Options That Affect This Chart |
If the Trending AR with DSO chart is not visible, click the With DSO tab under Trending AR.
Chart Item |
Description |
Horizontal axis: Fiscal periods |
The horizontal axis displays the range of fiscal periods included in the analysis period. |
Left vertical axis: AR balances |
The vertical axis on the left displays the range of AR amounts. |
Right vertical axis: DSO values |
The vertical axis on the right displays the range of DSO values. |
Bars: AR balance |
Each bar on the bar chart represents the total AR balance as of the end of that fiscal period. |
Chart line: DSO value |
Each data point on the chart line represents the 90-day DSO value as of the end of that fiscal period. |
Data Item |
Description |
Total AR amount for a period |
The sum of invoice balances as of the end of that period. |
DSO value for a period |
The DSO value for the 90 days prior to the end date of that period. How Costpoint Analytics calculates DSO depends on configuration settings your system administrator selects. The default formula is the following: AR / (Billing for prior 3 periods / 90) However, your system administrator can substitute revenue for billing in the denominator and can include unbilled in the numerator along with AR. If prior year revenue adjustments are included in the PSR tables, revenue amounts may include those revenue adjustments, depending on how Costpoint Analytics is configured. For more information, see "Adjustment Period." |
Note: The lowest level that DSO values are calculated is the top project level. If you make selections in either the Invoice Aging Ranges list or the Invoice ID list, the analytics are filtered at the invoice level, so meaningful DSO values cannot be calculated. In that case, Costpoint Analytics does not display a chart line for DSO.
For more information on AR data and how DSO is calculated, see AR and DSO: Data Sources and AR and DSO: Key Concepts.
The following options on the User Options tab affect this chart:
Org or Reorg
For a description of how this option affects AR and DSO Analytics, see User Options That Affect AR and DSO.
Click at the top right of the chart
to display the chart at its maximum size. Click
to restore the chart to its original size and location on the tab.
To focus the chart on a particular set of data points, click and drag the mouse pointer over the chart so that all of those data points are included in the green selection area. Illustration
To focus the chart on a more restricted analysis period, do either of the following:
Specify the analysis period using the analysis period bars at the top of the tab. Illustration
Click and drag the mouse pointer over the chart so that the green selection area touches only the bars for the fiscal periods you want. Illustration
If you use any of the above actions to change the chart, Costpoint Analytics applies the same changes, as appropriate, to all other analytic objects.
To see the exact AR amount for a period, position the mouse pointer over that bar. When you do, Costpoint Analytics displays the fiscal period and the AR amount in a data box. Illustration
To see the exact DSO value for a period, position the mouse pointer over that intersection of the vertical grid line and the chart line. When you do, Costpoint Analytics displays the fiscal period and the DSO value in a data box. Illustration
Click to send the data underlying
the chart to Microsoft Excel. More...
In addition to the actions described above, you can also do the following:
Print the chart.
Email the chart.
Export chart data to a CSV file.
Attach a note to the chart.
For more on these actions, see Print, Email, or Export Analytic Data and Attach Notes to Analytics.