It is common for firms to track the potential value of an opportunity as more than one amount. When your firm implements Capture Analytics, it can select two amount fields from opportunity records in GovWin Capture Management to analyze as pipeline. The options under Pipeline Amount enable you to select either of those two amounts to use in calculating bid and win rates.
Pipeline amounts on the Bid and Win Rates tab are unweighted amounts.
For example, suppose your firm tracks the total contract amount for opportunities in the Revenue field in GovWin Capture Management and the amount of the contract specifically for your firm (total contract less subcontractor portions of the contract) in a Net Revenue field. Your system administrator can select those two fields during the configuration process, and you can use the Pipeline Amount options to select either one. When you select one of the options, Capture Analytics displays bid and win rates calculated using amounts in that field in the opportunity records.
From the options under Pipeline Amount, select the opportunity field that you want to use as the source for your pipeline amounts.