Historical Pipeline Analytics: Data Sources

The data displayed in Historical Pipeline Analytics either comes from the Opportunity table in GovWin Capture Management or is calculated from it.

Capture Analytics configuration settings also affect the data that is available.

Historical Data Capture

While the data you see in the Historical Pipeline Analytics originates in the Opportunity table in GovWin Capture Management, GovWin Capture Management itself does not capture the historical data that Capture Analytics needs. When you install Capture Analytics, a workflow process is added to GovWin Capture Management. Following the installation, that workflow process automatically captures changes to the following opportunity data in GovWin Capture Management:

With this data, the workflow process also stores a record of when the change occurred and which user made the change. Each time your system administrator loads GovWin Capture Management data into the Capture Analytics data model, this history data is included and is then available for analysis in the Historical Pipeline Analytics.

The Historical Opportunity Change Detail table displays this change detail, so you can see the specific changes behind the historical pipeline summary data.

Data Sources

Data Item


Total historical pipeline amount

Sum of unweighted or weighted pipeline amounts for all opportunities included in the pipeline as of the end of the week, month, or analysis period.

Unweighted pipeline amount โ€” The sources for unweighted pipeline amounts are the two fields displayed as options under Pipeline Amount. Both of those fields are in the Opportunity table in GovWin Capture Management. They can be standard fields or user-defined fields (UDEFs). Your system administrator selects those fields as part of Capture Analytics configuration.

Weighted pipeline amount โ€” The opportunity pipeline amount (see above) weighted by applying the opportunity's probability to that amount. The source for opportunity probability is the Probability field in the Opportunity table in GovWin Capture Management.

Historical pipeline amount for a stage

Sum of unweighted or weighted pipeline amounts for all opportunities that were assigned to that stage as of the end of the week, month, or analysis period.

Historical pipeline amount for a probability range

Sum of unweighted or weighted pipeline amounts for all opportunities with a probability within that range as of the end of the week, month, or analysis period.

Probability โ€” The source for opportunity probability is the Probability field in the Opportunity table in GovWin Capture Management.

Historical pipeline amount for a pipeline amount range

Sum of unweighted or weighted pipeline amounts for all opportunities with a pipeline amount within that range as of the end of the week, month, or analysis period.

Percentage contribution to historical pipeline for a stage or range

Historical pipeline as of the end of the week, month, or analysis period for the stage or range รท Total historical pipeline as of the end of the week, month, or analysis period.

Beginning pipeline amount

Sum of unweighted or weighted pipeline amounts for included opportunities as of the beginning of the week, month, or analysis period.

New pipeline amount

Sum of unweighted or weighted pipeline amounts for included opportunities that entered the pipeline during the week, month, or analysis period.

Adjustment amount

Sum of changes made to unweighted or weighted pipeline amounts for included opportunities during the week, month, or analysis period. The changes could be direct changes to the pipeline amounts or, for weighted pipeline, changes to probabilities.

Moved into stage amount

Sum of unweighted or weighted pipeline amounts for opportunities that were moved to that stage from another stage during the week, month, or analysis period. These amounts only include opportunities that move from a stage included in the pipeline to another stage included in the pipeline.

Moved out of stage amount

Sum of unweighted or weighted pipeline amounts for opportunities that were moved from that stage to another stage during the week, month, or analysis period. These amounts only include opportunities that move from a stage included in the pipeline to another stage included in the pipeline.

Moved out of pipeline amount

Sum of pipeline amounts for opportunities that left the pipeline during the week, month, or analysis period. These are opportunities that were moved out of a pipeline stage into a stage not included in the pipeline (won and lost opportunities, for example).

If a moved-out amount is displayed for a stage, it is the sum of pipeline amounts for opportunities that left the pipeline from that stage during the week, month, or analysis period.

Ending pipeline amount

Sum of unweighted or weighted pipeline amounts for all opportunities included in the pipeline as of the end of the week, month, or analysis period.