If you interact with the analytics to create a view of your data, and you want to be able to display that view in the future without specifying all of the filter values and other options again, add a bookmark for the view.
With the view displayed, click on the analytics toolbar, or right-click anywhere on the tab other than in a filter list, chart, or table, and click
Add Bookmark on the shortcut menu.
In the Add Bookmark dialog box, give the bookmark a name, and select the options you want.
Click OK.
To retrieve a bookmarked view, click on the analytics toolbar, and select the bookmark from the drop-down list.
Click on the analytics toolbar, or right-click anywhere on the tab other than in a filter list, chart, or table, and click
Remove Bookmark on the shortcut menu.
In the Remove Bookmark dialog box, select the bookmark from the Bookmark Name drop-down list.
Click Remove.
If you add a bookmark and then want to change the options that you selected for that bookmark in the Add Bookmark dialog box, you must remove the bookmark and then add it again with the options you want.