Select Columns for a Report

Use the Report Settings dialog box to select the columns you want to display on a report.

The columns available for the report include both standard fields and user-defined fields that are used in the corresponding iAccess area.

Fields that exist in both the Vendor Info Center and the Client Info Center only appear once in the column selection list. That is true for both standard fields and identical user-defined fields. User-defined fields are considered identical if they are the same type of field and have exactly the same field name. Fields that exist in one of those Info Centers but not the other are also available for selection. Be aware, however, that those columns on the report will always be blank for companies from the Info Center in which the field does not exist.

To select columns for a report, complete the following steps:
  1. Click to go to the Reporting area.
  2. If the report that displays by default is not the report you want, do either of the following:
    • To display a standard Opportunities, Companies, or Contacts report, click the currently displayed standard report name above the upper-left corner of the report and select the standard report you want.
    • To display a saved report, use the Find saved report field next to the Reporting label at the top of the Reporting area to select the report.
  3. Click above the upper-right corner of the report.
  4. To add a column to the report, click the column in AVAILABLE COLUMNS and click to move the column to the SELECTED COLUMNS list.

    To add multiple columns at once, press CTRL as you click each column you want to add, and then click .

  5. If the report currently has a column that you want to remove, click the column in SELECTED COLUMNS and click to move the column to the AVAILABLE COLUMNS list.
  6. If a newly added column is not where you want it in the column order, hover over the row for that column in SELECTED COLUMNS, and click-and-drag to move the column.
  7. When SELECTED COLUMNS contains the columns you want on the report, click Apply to update the report.