Contacts Overview Tab

The Overview tab of the Contacts area provides a snapshot of the selected contact: description, most recent opportunity and touchpoint, address of the contact's company, and other contact addresses, if any.


Field Description

This unlabeled field displays a description of the contact.

To edit or format the description, hover over it and click .

Most Recent Opportunity

This field displays the most recent opportunity with which this contact is associated and the contact's role for that opportunity. The most recent opportunity is the opportunity with the most recent open date for the period up to and including the current date. Opportunities with open dates in the future are not considered.

Click the opportunity name to display a tooltip containing opportunity information: opportunity type, estimated revenue, probability of winning, date opened or closed, status, and stage. Click More in the tooltip to display the full opportunity record on a separate browser tab.

Last Touchpoint

These fields display the date of the last touchpoint with which this contact is associated and any notes entered for that touchpoint. The last touchpoint is the touchpoint with the most recent date for the period up to and including the current date. Touchpoints dated in the future are not considered.

Click the date to display a tooltip containing the date that the touchpoint was created, and the name, title, phone numbers, and email address of the employee who created it.

Company Address

These fields display the address and phone numbers for the company location with which the contact is associated.

If displays next to this field, the address is the contact's mailing address.

To change the address, click on the Contacts toolbar and select another company location on the Edit Contact form.

Other Address

If an address other than the contact's company address has been entered, that address and related phone numbers display in these fields.

If displays next to this field, the address is the contact's mailing address.

To edit the address, hover over it, click , and make your changes in the Edit Location dialog box.

Field Description
Additional fields If your firm adds custom grids or fields (grids or fields that are not in the standard version of iAccess) to this tab, those grids and fields display below the last standard field. You can make entries in those grids and fields on this tab or on the Edit Contact form.